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Holy crap! A whole lake disappeared!


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Its called a dry season people...

You know when it doesent rain as much as it normaly does...

The friggin lake is in the mountains... water runs down hill last i had a science class... dont need a degree in global climate change for that... The experts also said it would be nearly the worst hurricane season in florida this year and ...oh, it hasnt rained in how long????

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Its called a dry season people...

You know when it doesent rain as much as it normaly does...

The friggin lake is in the mountains... water runs down hill last i had a science class... dont need a degree in global climate change for that... The experts also said it would be nearly the worst hurricane season in florida this year and ...oh, it hasnt rained in how long????

WOW!!!! Thanks for the insight Vector. I'm SURE the park rangers and the geologists (you know, those smart guys who wear glasses and look at rocks) never thought of this theory you're proposing. I will forward your post to the team of geologists who are heading out there to investigate this phenom. Hopefully it'll save them a trip out there so they can take that science class that you took to learn all of this.

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Well i wear glasses and that makes me smart????

The water didnt disappear it turned to vapor and they said the stream was reduced to a trickle... so the water either evaporated or went out of the little hole they call a stream... Just my guess..But then again my glasses arent very thick....

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