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Weak buyers with no balls.


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Good, I'll whip your ass tomorrow when I get home.


This douchebag keeps PMing me on Tech crying about how he's right and I'm wrong. Even with specs and pics from TTi's website that back me up, he's still bitching.



50 bucks and a bj, ill kill him for you? and sex his wife for an extra $25.50 so she stops bitching

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You don't want her anyways, she doesn't like dick anymore. Never really did, just informed me of that AFTER we'd been married over a year.


Makes ya wonder why she was always hanging out with a certain Z28-owning female no longer on CR. Hmm....


Thank for sharing!




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I lol'd


You don't want her anyways, she doesn't like dick anymore. Never really did, just informed me of that AFTER we'd been married over a year.


Makes ya wonder why she was always hanging out with a certain Z28-owning female no longer on CR. Hmm....


A sick part of my brain wants to post this...





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No, I dragged him back kicking and screaming with the threat he'd get naked Leilani pics otherwise :grin2:

That would be an offer I can't refuse.



I appear for a couple days then disappear again. Today I just happen to want Scott's shotgun.

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