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COD4 tonight


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I should be on later tonight. I've been liking Hardcore Deathmatch MUCH better than the regular Team deathmatch. You actually shoot someone and they die rather than unloading an entire clip on someone.

yeah i do like hardcore better. it's more realistic.. but mlg is non hardcore so ive been trying to get ready for next season :(

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I should be on later tonight. I've been liking Hardcore Deathmatch MUCH better than the regular Team deathmatch. You actually shoot someone and they die rather than unloading an entire clip on someone.



In normal all the percs cancel out each other, but regular is still ghey. The ones i really hate are martyrdom and last stand. If i shoot you in the head than you cant whip out your psitol and shoot me froma cross the map

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What drives me nuts are the Sniper rifles.


There should be an option to just NOT have sniper rifles in a match.


the only thing I hate about snipers is the people that spam the g-shot, other than that its your own fault for running in the open


I've been sniping a lot lately to finish the weapon challenges. Its a little hard to get the hang of how far you need to lead the target, but once you get it you can easily run the map.



Oh, and I'll be on tonight. I'll probably get on around 6:30-7 and play for a few hours.

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