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Anyone race RC cars?


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go to the hobby shop over on Hilliard - rome rd. I think it is called hobby u.s.a. or something like that . They sell alot of r/c cars and usually know where everyone is racing.


Come see me at the Hobbytown off of North Hamelton. I can help you more when it comes to racing. The closest on-road you will get is in Dayton but I think they only race during the summer outdoors. If you want to travel there is The Gate up in Cleveland that is a good indoor onroad track.


I help run the club that races in Hilliard so I am more into dirt off-road and Dirt Oval. I do however know a whole lot more about racing than the people do at the Hobbytown in Hilliard.

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I have recently gotten back into the hobby. I plan to race my 1/8th scale buggies on fridays or saturdays at crcrc, whenever I can make it out. Its a white Turmoil Pro, if you guys see me out lemme know!


IMO 1/8 scale was the most fun class to race. There's just too many of them racing this year for me. That's the main reason I went back to 1/10. Be careful when you turn marshal around any jumps when the novice class is running. They have no concept of throttle control. I've seen guys take buggies to the chest at WOT and get the wind knocked out of them.


I watched an A Main brushless electric class race a couple weekends ago and was simply floored by the shear torque they have. Lightning fast down the stretch and plenty of power to launch you over any jump. If I didn't already have a bagillion dollars in all my nitro gear I would definitely race in a brushless class on Sunday.

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I used to race at CRCRC and CORCAR back around 1995-2000. I quit when I started college; got back into it around 2002 here in Indianapolis for a few months; decided I cared more about partying and drinking and quit promptly. I still have a Losi XXX sitting in my garage with stickers on the body from the 2000 Winter midwest.
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Woah weird...I know u from Indycarz....I was like..."Blackboosted" Indyhp??? wierd....yea i might do the brushless racing...I raced nitro a few years ago, but i kept breakin things and couldn't get the right tune, and bla bla....I'm ready for electric I think, but with the new batteries and brushless motors its getting more and more expensive too! haha....
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Woah weird...I know u from Indycarz....I was like..."Blackboosted" Indyhp??? wierd....


That would be me, I have family in Dublin where I grew up and I hope to be living back over there by spring. I've been thinking about moving for 3 or 4 years now when I first signed up on here, and just never made the effort for it. I would get back into RC, but I keep a pretty busy schedule and most of my free $$ goes to the bigger cars ;)

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Here's my car, just bought it yesterday...







I took it to the track today for the first time so now it's nice and dirty.


It was nice meeting you last night, Andy! When are you and Joe coming out to play!!?? Keith and I will be at the fairgrounds Wednesday and Friday.

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I've got a 4908 T maxx with a 2.5R that I'm trying to sell. I just dont have time for it anymore





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