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Bail Out Fails!!!


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Think the market shot down hard today. Citigroup just bought out Wachovia now. Seems like these banks are getting their ass handed to them lately.

The banks have been playing a Pondzi scheme for years. They will get what they deserve.


Now is a good time to learn not to use credit. Dave Ramsey FTW!!

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Think the market shot down hard today. Citigroup just bought out Wachovia now. Seems like these banks are getting their ass handed to them lately.



And my biggest loser is an oil company that is down $8.50 and the fuckers just found a $200 million sweet crude deposit

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I saw that too. But can someone bring me up to speed on all this crap. Who, Why and what were they planning on bailing out? The Mortgage industries and all of their defaulted loans? Isn’t that the fault of the bank for mismanaging their own loans? What affect does this have on us as citizens? I’ve been see a lot about this bail out plan, but I still don’t get it. And if there is one place in the world I can get good solid facts about politics and financial matters it’s right here on Columbus Racing ! ;)
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The Mortgage industries and all of their defaulted loans? Isn’t that the fault of the bank for mismanaging their own loans?

That's why everyone's pissed about the bailout. If we overextend our credit, we get reamed and are SOL. But these big banks were going to get our tax dollars to dig them out of their own holes. Hopefully this bailout stays dead.


What affect does this have on us as citizens?

Someone can answer better than I, but it appears that what will happen to us shmoes depends on who you ask. Proponents of the bailout say that our economy will self-destruct and take the wold economy with it. The other side say there will be some short-term problems, but other banks will step in and keep everything running.


Personally, I think there's WAY too much inertia in the status quo for the doomsayers to be right. Great saying about bureaucrats and such from a shitty movie: "If they fell out a window, it'd take a week for them to hit the ground."

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As it looks though, isn't it a damned if we do, damned if we don't kinda situation?



Now it is, honestly, the talks of bailout and then talks failing have caused more panic and more selloff than anything.

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Big guys fall and it makes room for the little guys to come up. On the way up, the market will have fresh meat to invest in and the market will recover. ECON 101.


The politicians are pulling yalls strings to give you the impression something is actually happening in DC. HIST 101.


Got edjumacation?

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Stay inside...the sky's falling!








Mentioning the fact that we saw history today, that today is one of a few days ever where the top performing industry was negative, that we saw the biggest point loss ever on the Dow, is saying the sky is falling?


Get over yourself

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