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Humans and dinosaurs walked the Earth together


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facts straight... funny you should say that.


heres a news article from the local paper where it was discussed.




ya there was not 1 book named that was supposedly to be banned. try again.

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Palin told him that "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time," Munger said. When he asked her about prehistoric fossils and tracks dating back millions of years, Palin said "she had seen pictures of human footprints inside the tracks."


I'm sorry, but am I the only that thinks, far beyond any question of religion, that this particular belief calls into question her critical thinking abilities?

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I'm sorry, but am I the only that thinks, far beyond any question of religion, that this particular belief calls into question her critical thinking abilities?

So, I guess believing that we all came from pond scum is better critical thinking :lol: Both ideas require faith, neither more than the other.

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So, I guess believing that we all came from pond scum is better critical thinking :lol: Both ideas require faith, neither more than the other.

Can you prove we didn't? Cuz it can sure be proven that we didn't walk with the dinosaurs. :rolleyes:

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So who do you know that was there? That is way evolution is still a theory.


Rick, you're a doctor, you know better, yet you still fall into the same trap of confusing a theory with a hypothesis. I'm not going to get back into this stupid argument with you again. When you can offer something beyond dogma and pseudoscience, than we'll talk.

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Rick, you're a doctor, you know better, yet you still fall into the same trap of confusing a theory with a hypothesis. I'm not going to get back into this stupid argument with you again. When you can offer something beyond dogma and pseudoscience, than we'll talk.

I am offering the same thing as you. Theory

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My 2 cents... A theory created from evidence trumps a theory where they are still looking for evidence. Either way they are still guesses.


Rick's offerings are not theory. They have not withstood testing, observation, and/or argument. Young Earth and Creationism are faith-based hypotheses, nothing more.

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Rick's offerings are not theory. They have not withstood testing, observation, and/or argument. Young Earth and Creationism are faith-based hypotheses, nothing more.



As you can see from the above diagram neither young earth or old earth theories can be duplicated in an experiment. So all either one of us have is hypothesis. When some constructs an experiment that can create life from pond scum, let me know. Mark another notch in your failure column.

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As you can see from the above diagram neither young earth or old earth theories can be duplicated in an experiment. So all either one of us have is hypothesis. When some constructs an experiment that can create life from pond scum, let me know. Mark another notch in your failure column.


The first step in your flow chart is to ask a question. You do not question your own dogma, which was written when people believed the earth was flat. You don't follow your own flow chart.


My own example following the Scientific Method:


Question: Does anything Rick says make any sense?

Background research: Post history (signs point to no)

Construct hypothesis: Rick is crazy

Test with an experiment: Quiz Rick on scientific questions with obvious answers

Analyze results/draw conclusion: Rick is, in fact, crazy

Hypothesis is: True

Results reported


I have absolute faith in my findings and as such, I need no verification or validity to be proven right. My supreme divine consciousness tells me I am right. Question these results not.

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The first step in your flow chart is to ask a question. You do not question your own dogma, which was written when people believed the earth was flat. You don't follow your own flow chart.


My own example following the Scientific Method:


Question: Does anything Rick says make any sense?

Background research: Post history (signs point to no)

Construct hypothesis: Rick is crazy

Test with an experiment: Quiz Rick on scientific questions with obvious answers

Analyze results/draw conclusion: Rick is, in fact, crazy

Hypothesis is: True

Results reported


I have absolute faith in my findings and as such, I need no verification or validity to be proven right. My supreme divine consciousness tells me I am right. Question these results not.


You failed on the first line. The bible said the earth was round. Please turn in your store bought mensa card.


BTW... it was the scientist that said the earth was flat.

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Please turn in your store bought mensa card.


Unlike a medical degree, those cannot be purchased. :)


My point is that your belief (read:loose interpretation) of the bible is not infallible. The church has made plenty of mistakes in the past. They will continue to do so.


Please site the portion of the bible stating that the earth is round.

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Unlike a medical degree, those cannot be purchased. :)


My point is that your belief (read:loose interpretation) of the bible is not infallible. The church has made plenty of mistakes in the past. They will continue to do so.


Please site the portion of the bible stating that the earth is round.

The church of today will have problems it is ran by humans that have error. I will give you the passages tomorrow, it is too late for me to go down that road tonight.

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So who do you know that was there? That is way evolution is still a theory.


:rolleyes: I'm so tired of you and "yours" spouting your ignorance on what you think is the "theory of evolution". :slap: I'd bet money, without looking it up, you cannot tell me what evolution truly means to the scientific community. (Which is actually understandable as many do not. However, this is not the topic on point.) Because, if you did, I wouldn't have to put on my waders to sift through this bullshit. In other words, I wouldn't have to read yet, another time, about creationism being the same as evolution. Maybe, you should get your facts straight and take the time to learn about what it is you're arguing against.


Besides, I'm not even sure what you meant by this post, regardless of the definition of evolution.

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The church of today will have problems it is ran by humans that have error. I will give you the passages tomorrow, it is too late for me to go down that road tonight.

This is another thing that bothers me. You are so quick to judge others. Anytime anyone brings something up you don't want to take responsibility for (I use this phrasing simply because you're so ready to defend it.) you place blame on others. Whether it's someone who doesn't believe or who does believe but doesn't share you particular "flavor" of Christianity. Have you noticed everyone else is always wrong but Dr. Rick is always right? I'd say the chances of that are pretty nil. You talk about how fallible all other humans are, as well as how wrong their beliefs and/or interpretations. Well, I gotta say, if they're so imperfect and you're human, as well, isn't possible you're the one that's wrong? Or did the "second coming" happen already and you're it? Or maybe it's just your whole church? Maybe, it's some kind of special church more bettars than everyone elses?

Hmm, I seem to recall another group who feels this way...


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This is another thing that bothers me. You are so quick to judge others. Anytime anyone brings something up you don't want to take responsibility for (I use this phrasing simply because you're so ready to defend it.) you place blame on others. Whether it's someone who doesn't believe or who does believe but doesn't share you particular "flavor" of Christianity. Have you noticed everyone else is always wrong but Dr. Rick is always right? I'd say the chances of that are pretty nil. You talk about how fallible all other humans are, as well as how wrong their beliefs and/or interpretations. Well, I gotta say, if they're so imperfect and you're human, as well, isn't possible you're the one that's wrong? Or did the "second coming" happen already and you're it? Or maybe it's just your whole church? Maybe, it's some kind of special church more bettars than everyone elses?

Hmm, I seem to recall another group who feels this way...


Seems like you are the one that is spewing hatred. Jesus loves you still.

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