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Humans and dinosaurs walked the Earth together


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WTF!!! I just got this. What the fuck is wrong with you? I see how you changed his quote to say I hope he does fall ill. :nono:

I'm sure you'll feign ignorance or divine intervention. :rolleyes:

Not any worse than what you loving liberals say to me. Anyhow it was meant to be funny.

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Your arguing with a person who believe the world is 6k year old made by a magical guy in the sky who will grand miracles to some but let other suffer in pain.

This post is brought to you by Obama and Kim Jung Ill

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Not any worse than what you loving liberals say to me. Anyhow it was meant to be funny.

Nice save. :rolleyes:


Not like you can defend what you did, so I guess your reply is acceptable. Let's see, you answer for yourself by name calling and categorizing. Personally, I don't label myself. You see, my name is Christian Rodriguez and that is who I am. I define myself. And since when has it been "funny" to wish ill will on someone, oh "follower of God"? Even if given the benefit of the doubt here, your little "slight of hand" would have been out of context and out of line. Nice try.

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Isaiah 40:22 (King James Version)


22It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:


Circle= Hebrew "chuwg",meaning "sphere"


Technically, nobody here's arguing whether the Earth was a circle or not. You see, if what you quoted is true, the Earth can be flat because a circle is flat. Chuwg means circle, not sphere, correct? :D


Scemantics. Get it?

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