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Huge Buckeye / Moving Out Party 10/25


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It's almost here! I might be an early bird thus I will be leaving later for a costume party.




i hope you get into a minor accident with a tree. not with your car, but i hope you walk into a tree so hard you pass out

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Im sorry guys. No party not going to have enough time or money and i have something that came up for the night.


Rant all you want but i cant change it. Sorry

U diccccck even u said I had a chance to get a girl, thanks for ruiing my chances now my peckers gonna go back to hybernation mode....

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Well that clears up what im doing! Costume party all the way!! i invited sooo many girls oh boy. Poor phil! But people can come as long as u have a costume and bring your own liqour we have lots of jello shots and jungle juice but other than that bring drinks and girls! not everyone can scam!!! lol
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Im sorry guys. No party not going to have enough time or money and i have something that came up for the night.


Rant all you want but i cant change it. Sorry


Fuck nutz! Luckily I was planning on going to another party as well... wooooooooooooo party!

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