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VP Debate

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ummm.... the majority of "middle class" americans don't drop thousands of dollars a year into cars


BTW, if you hit 50 and don't have a net worth of $1 million in this day and age, you done fucked up in your life


Paid off house, retirement accounts, cars, savings, stocks


I <3 my 401k. Even if it's taking hits.



He is correct not everyone drops 5-10g into a already expensive car. Some people look at cars as a KIA point A to B. I wish I was one of them it would cost me allot less.

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Hard to believe you said that!


Triple, FTW!


I really had low expectations I told people at owrk I was watching it with popcorn. I really expected couric It's got to be about the jobs 2.0.


it was a fail imho but not like i expected

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Guest tbutera2112
fuck....i really hope obama doesnt win this election....and i dont even know if i can vote because my shit got all fucked up...let some dumbass at columbus state register me to vote, i filled out the paperwork and everything and they still managed to spell my last name Brieta instead of Butera...
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Because they should NEVER use the internet as a soul tool of authenticity, or truth.





BTW, I definitely agree it was a ridiculously soft debate. I remember a debate last time around where the moderator asked a very specific question, and the speaker( I think it was Bush, it could have been Kerry, I don't recall) went on at length without really making any definitive statement. The moderator stopped him and said, very directly, "You haven't answered the question". I want that kind of debate. I want a PANEL of moderators empowered to ask any question, cut off the candidate if they wander, and demand a clearly worded response. In other words, I want courtroom witness stand rules. I also want there to be another panel sitting to the side with access to the internet, who can look up speeches and votes on the spot, and interrupt the candidates to point out any "inaccuracies". Think it'll happen?
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You fucking confuse the hell out of me.


posted by thorne. just quoted it for posterity.


is there anyone else here who thinks to theselves..."this is a VICE presidential debate. why should i really, i mean REALLY give a fuck about it?"


and to everyone who thinks either one of these folks is dumb, i have yet to hear anything in this campaign on either side thats as dumb as "i invented the internet". i do beleive a former veep said that.

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McCain and Osama can learn from these 2 how a civilized debate can be. I think it was a good debate. Biden did a good job, and Palin didn't do too shabby, but wasn't crisp like Biden. But comparing the 2 is like comparing Jenna Jameson to a high school cheerleader. Yes, they might have been around the block, but only 1 has done the block. Maverick will get his W, that is all.
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Because they should NEVER use the internet as a soul tool of authenticity, or truth.


I'm not suggesting they go to youtube, or ebaumsworld.

Both campaigns keep archives of their own speeches, and legislative records are available on govt sites. Almost everything said by politicians in the public eye is kept on a govt site somewhere. These sites, along with interviews on news programs, and official statements would be invaluable for the moderators in exposing doubeltalk and evasion.


I'm also of the firm opinion that there need to be Truth in Advertising laws for campaign commercials.

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is there anyone else here who thinks to theselves..."this is a VICE presidential debate. why should i really, i mean REALLY give a fuck about it?"


Because this is the first campaign in decades where it truly DOES matter. John McCain is in his 70s, and had a history of cancer. It is almost certain that even if he doesn't have a fatal or mind-altering event during his term, that he WILL be under general anesthesia at least once, and likely several times. If his VP isn't able to pick up the reins and execute the Office with the same level of expertise and professionalism as he does, then conscience should dictate that we not allow her in office, and by extension, that we should not elect a President who would leave the country in the hands of an unqualified VP.

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posted by thorne. just quoted it for posterity.


is there anyone else here who thinks to theselves..."this is a VICE presidential debate. why should i really, i mean REALLY give a fuck about it?"


and to everyone who thinks either one of these folks is dumb, i have yet to hear anything in this campaign on either side thats as dumb as "i invented the internet". i do beleive a former veep said that.


I think this is really only applicable for the Palin/Mccain side. McCain is getting old and its a VERY real possability that, if elected, Palin would be running our country. "Its like a bad disney movie, hockey mom becomes president" -Matt Damon

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How you even found a winner out of that clusterfuck of a debate is beyond me. I think you picked your winner before the debate even started. If the democratic party's candidate was a bottle of Vagisil, you'd vote for it.


Well, lets see....in a debate you have someone who won, answered questions better, was more in tune with what is going on and sticks to facts. You also have a loser...one that rambles about nothing, doesn't answer questions and spews false claims about the other party....thus making it a win/lose EVENT. Therefore, I need to pick one.

My finding was that Sarah did OK...I was expecting her to know much of nothing on foreign affairs and even less on the way Obama/Biden have voted, since she was off organizing a community when the Senators were actually voting. Also, I did not have a winner picked...I was hoping Biden took it to her and he showed her knows more than her....simple as that...where you saw a clusterfuck is beyond me. Questions asked...questions answered....choose a better word next time. Vagisil is what I am going to need if McPalin gets elected....to stop the stink I currently smell from Washington that will continue once they are in office, so you're right...McPalin or Vagisil.............Vagisil it is....GOP STINKS!!!

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Scott, hun, that wasn't a debate. The two rarely ever actually debated each other. This was a glorified Q&A.




I too am getting sick of the word "Maverick".

But never the less whatever you want to call it, it wasn't near as bad as the real cadidates.


I too am getting sick of the word "change". ;)

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But never the less whatever you want to call it, it wasn't near as bad as the real cadidates.


I too am getting sick of the word "change". ;)

No, akshully. ;) The real candidates actually made some effort to adress the specifict topic that they were presented with. Biden did this, Palin did not.


This is how her training went:

"If they mention the economy, you say this:..."

"If they mention iraq or afghanistan, doesn't matter which, you say this:...."

"If they mention the bailout specifically, revert to your the economics answer and toss in something about Alaska."

"What if they mention fags?.... nah they'll never do that."


She spent the last few weeks memorozing canned answers for each topic, that's why they were well executed and completely void of any relevance to the specific question.

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No, akshully. ;) The real candidates actually made some effort to adress the specifict topic that they were presented with. Biden did this, Palin did not.


This is how her training went:

"If they mention the economy, you say this:..."

"If they mention iraq or afghanistan, doesn't matter which, you say this:...."

"If they mention the bailout specifically, revert to your the economics answer and toss in something about Alaska."

"What if they mention fags?.... nah they'll never do that."


She spent the last few weeks memorozing canned answers for each topic, that's why they were well executed and completely void of any relevance to the specific question.

Biden didn't need rehearsal, as he's been bullshitting people for 35 years. :cool:

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