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Palin Tested Dr Rick Approved.


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How on gods green earth did I miss this. I mean this is not a fucking spin goto you tube and see the nutjob talk about ousting the WITCH. a fucking Witch .




WOW. Witchcraft. Are you fucking kidding me. Her spirtual inspiration comes from a fucking guy who CASTED OUT A WOMEN FROM A VILLAGE FOR WITCHCRAFT.



This is why we don't need this nut job in the whitehouse.

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Religious people believe in omnipotent, cosmic daddy figures that exist soley to spank us when we're bad.


Is witchcraft really that much of a stretch ?



Holy shit that is +rep for you with the ability to use


Omnipotent, cosmic daddy figures in the same sentence and it actually made sense to me.

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I say let her keep making a fool of herself. I'm waiting for DR Rick to preach to us about how Witchcraft is evil and of the devil and how with that blessing she's the champion america needs because Witches will not be able to influence her!
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Reagan administration: It's the commies!

Bush Sr. administration: It's Iraq!

Bush Jr. administration: It's the terrorists!

McCain administration: It's the witches!? THAT'S NOT EVEN ORIGINAL! :lol:


Cliffs for those who don't want to read:

Pastor Muthee showed up in a crime-ridden Kenya town, and announced it was the fault of this woman in town who he had decided was a witch. And Muthee gave the witch a choice: either be saved, or get out of town... She refused. Eventually the townspeople got together and they decided, heck, you know, Muthee's right, she probably is a witch, and the next thing you know the police are raiding her house and reportedly shooting her snake because if she was a witch, the snake had to be a demon, and then the woman left town.


And they think it was just a Joe-Six-Pack, Hockey Mom kinda thing to do, to let a guy who branded some woman in Kenya a witch, demand that God make some different woman the Governor of Alaska!


Governor, what would you call someone who arrives in a suburb, blames a resident for the local crime, organizes a mob to threaten the woman, convinces the authorities to go and raid her home, and then chases her out of the suburb?

Like I said, the "guilt by association" game is not one that anyone can play and win.

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Fucking long stretch '08. This article is as much BS as Palin's claims.


I hope Obama can stay above these 'cheap shots'



Speaking of out there... I had to do a rhetorical analysis for english yesterday. Ann Coulter is in her own little world.

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North Korea is about as communist as my toilet: One guy shits everywhere and expects the mess to take care of itself. Repeat after me: DICK-TATER-SHIP


Cuba is a much more communist state, thanks in no small part to our embargo preventing western intervention that would have eroded their "utopia" into nothingness about 20 years ago, and they could be a nice, productive capitalist state (like china) by now.

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Thorne likes Obama. Hence Thorne must like communism. Seems logical to me.


That is about as good of reasoning as you use in any of your post/threads. :D

Umm, excuse me? Both parties embrace some practices that were also embraced by the communist party.

Dems like the socialist hippy side

Republicans like the iron fisted, media controlling, open surveillin', civic-rights-denying-in-the-purported-interest-of-security side.


I'll side with the hippies, kthnxbai

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Umm, excuse me? Both parties embrace some practices that were also embraced by the communist party.

Dems like the socialist hippy side

Republicans like the iron fisted, media controlling, open surveillin', civic-rights-denying-in-the-purported-interest-of-security side.


I'll side with the hippies, kthnxbai

As long as there are a couple Republicans left to enforce soap usage. :D

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