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Drinking. Lancaster truck pulls. :nod:

Yeah, Im gonna pass on that one. I cant deal with hicks when Im sober so I definatley wont be able to handle them under the influence. lol. I was also hoping for something a little more local.


Are you gonna be around this weekend?

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All people from lancaster are hicks ?


What is that supposed to mean newbie ?

That means that I have spent enough time out there to realize that they are mostly of a "hillbilly" variety. And I didnt say that they all were but, c'mon he said that its a truck pull, which has "i fuck my sister" written all over it. lol. Im assuming that you are from lancaster since you got all defensive for no reason.

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I think he may just be pointing out a blatantly obvious stereotype.

Yes, yes I am. And I thought it was funny. :p


Just as a side note, I went to school at Fairfield Career Center and spent many evenings after school at Mt. Pleasant. I also shop at River Valley and Ohio Valley regularly. So yeah, Im kinda familiar with lancaster, and you cant tell me that Im not right in my sterotyping. Hehehe!

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All people from lancaster are hicks ?


What is that supposed to mean newbie ?

hell yes did you honestly have you ask?




thank you this making fun of you session has ended but dam your sexy essss 8 mmmmmm



wonderbraaaaa i migth meet up gonna tackel the garage thats full of car parts an inventory the shit to sell the rest might just have people shot the shit out side ill pm you

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hell yes did you honestly have you ask?




thank you this making fun of you session has ended but dam your sexy essss 8 mmmmmm



wonderbraaaaa i migth meet up gonna tackel the garage thats full of car parts an inventory the shit to sell the rest might just have people shot the shit out side ill pm you

Ok, sounds good. Ill bring the natty ice if you got the gamecube. lol



*I forgot some other lancaster accomplishments, my carpentry class built a habitat for humanity house out there and I also got my license suspended for two months at the lovely county courthouse when I was 17.

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I'm in for something, just not Lancaster hicks.

Hahahaha! lol.


So what are you thinking? I was just informed that the woman will be making dinner at some point this evening, so depending on when that happens I may not be out this evening afterall.

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That means that I have spent enough time out there to realize that they are mostly of a "hillbilly" variety. And I didnt say that they all were but, c'mon he said that its a truck pull, which has "i fuck my sister" written all over it. lol. Im assuming that you are from lancaster since you got all defensive for no reason.



Good lord no, I'm not from lancaster. lol

I was just trying to rattle a newb cage but it didn't go as planned.


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Every single person in or from lancaster is or wants to be a hick.


If you're in lancaster right now reading this, slack-jawed, and heavily mouth-breathing, than I'm talking about you.







just the guys, there are some sexy chicks down there that are freaks

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