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Police Stalking...

2.oh so slow

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True story - I used to live outside of laurelville and had to go through this small town called Adelphi. Well everynight when i came through at about midnight there was this sheriff sitting their talking by the bar. Each night he followed me home. (which was like 5 or 6 miles from this town) Each night I would go down over this hill and pull into my driveway. Sometimes he would stop and shine his light down on me or my car. I guess sometimes I provoked it because if he would happen not to follow me i would go up the road like a quarter of a mile or less and just lay into it all the way home. (I am sure he had to hear this) I kept telling my Aunt who worked the same job with me about this and finally she followed me home, except that she went around the block and sat ahead of me so she could watch. Of course he followed me and did his routine except this time, my aunt pulled over and bitched at him of course he gave her the line that i looked suspicious. We decided the next day to call the sheriff's department and complain. It worked after that he never sat their again.


Basically what I am saying is call his superiors. Is he harassing you like i was harassed or just showing up where you are?

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He's abusing his powers just a tad. Hopefully the department he works for isnt shady. I filed a complaint with Heath about being harassed and nothing came out of it but more harassment. It got so bad for me that I literally had to quit driving my car through heath. They pulled my dad over one night in his car thinking it was me and once they realized it wasnt they just told him to have a good night.


Some cops are good and do their job correctly, others like to take advantage of the power a little shiny badge gives them. Sounds like to me that you need to first file a complaint with those above him, if that doesnt work have some buddies catch him off duty and give him a good ol talking. If that doesnt work then catch him off duty for a good ol fashioned ass whooping lol. Hopefully it doesnt get to steps 2 or 3. Just be prepared for the worst, if you complain and he gets in trouble I almost garuntee you that anytime he has a chance to bust you for the dumbest thing he's going to do it.

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I cant say much because its not directly happening to me. But I get to hear about it. The obsession thing would be correct. I would love to say something to the guy, but me being a civilian, and him and officer....im sure we all know what would come out of that. Just trouble for me.
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Well first off I would start carrying a weapon of some sort, just incase he tries to pull somekind of creepy move towards you. And as far as calling to complain, it doesnt work, I've tried it before where I used to live and it accomplised nothing, then again, that was madison township and they can all choke on a cock for all I care!
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If it's real predictable behavior try and get some it on tape or record it. Phones are great at that these days. Then when you have solid evidence take it to the station, it that doesn't work get an attorney. He said, She said doesn't go very far when the he is a cop. PROOF, then complain. But good luck, sounds like a real shitty situation.
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Document EVERY time that you see him and what is said , no matter where it is . This will show a pattern of the stalking .

Then take that to the Chief and show only the Chief . You could even threaten to call something like 6 on your side.

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well i know hes been driving by the house b/c he's asked about people i've been with.. and when i "ran" into him on the special duty thing... i got well "i told you i was working, i just didn"t say where"... it was creepy that's all, the way he said it and the look i got... then he was sitting outside a bar across from the pizza place where i was the same night..not on duty... like i said very coincidental.

i mean he seemed like a nice guy, but where do you draw the line???

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Well first off I would start carrying a weapon of some sort, just incase he tries to pull somekind of creepy move towards you. And as far as calling to complain, it doesnt work, I've tried it before where I used to live and it accomplised nothing, then again, that was madison township and they can all choke on a cock for all I care!

Are you seriously suggesting this?

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