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Hit / Skip Assholes


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So my wife is coming home from work and some asshole thinks it will be cool to left of center and hit her. But wait it gets better...He flees the scene. I just spent several hours with my wife in the ER. She's ok other than a few bumps and bruises, but the car is gonna be a total loss. Liability and uninsured motorist won't cover the car of course. I know that it was an early 90's silver honda accord with temp tags. The guy driving was white and red headed. No one got the tag number either. This happened at Hudson and Cleveland. If anyone sees a car of this discription with major driversside body damage please PM me.





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It would be awesome to catch the bastard. I bet the guy doesn't even realize there are messages out on the internet with folks looking for him.


Hope all is good with your wife Mike. I'm sure you may have already thought of this, but check the intersection and even nearby business for any security cameras and what not.


I've seen the car twice today. So I'm pretty sure he lives in the area. Next time I see it I'll get the tag for you.
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I had a similar thing happen last January with my wife. We don't think her car was hit, but the other driver went left of center, forcing her off the road and into a pole. They took off, of course. So I feel your pain... :mad:
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