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John McCain on Education


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Have a kid? Going to have kids? Know someone with kids? Not sure why you would vote for McCain...


From the Ohio Education Association ( http://www.ohea.org ):

John McCain Supports Vouchers

McCain strongly supports vouchers that take money away from public schools. He has consistently voted in favor of expanding voucher pilot programs.


John McCain Supports No Child Left Behind

McCain said No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was “a major milestone in trying to improve education in this country,” but he refuses to fully fund NCLB. As president, he would make the law’s reauthorization a top priority.


(Ask any teacher about No Child Left Behind. It is a complete failure.)


When your family and coworkers ask you about John McCain's record on education, here are 3 things they need to know:


  1. John McCain is no friend of public schools.
    He thinks teachers should be paid based on student test scores, and supports vouchers, charter schools and other policies that take resources out of the classroom.
  2. John McCain will continue George Bush’s failed education policies.
    He is a strong supporter of No Child Left Behind but refuses to fully fund the mandates.
  3. John McCain doesn’t understand that our economic future depends on strong public schools.
    He supports trade laws that send jobs overseas, but won’t give our kids the tools they need to compete in a global economy.

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Great I am glad he support vouchers. If the public screwls are not getting the job done, let the kids go where they can get a good education. I graduated from Eastmoor, I will tell you first hand, if I would have had vouchers, off to private schools I would have been.

Public schools FTL. My kid goes to private school that I pay for out of my pocket.

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Public schools FTL. My kid goes to private school that I pay for out of my pocket.

Nice, doc. How's a dockworker going to swing that? Certainly not with just a voucher, the cost of a private school goes beyond tuition. This is just another effort to privatize something, hoping it will spawn a new industry.


Public Schools FTL? S'poze that has anything to do with them being grossly underfunded? I went to Catholic school through 3rd grade, then public school thereafter. My last feild trip was in 3rd grade, while in Catholic School.


I believe that public schools should be focused on, not gutted. Note the consistency of the top countries on the education list? It aint fucking privatization.


Send your kid to private schools, that's fine, I'm not paying for it with my taxes. I'm paying into the pot to help my fellow Americans, privatized profit based schools are not the way to do that.

Want to see what your so-called superior schools will become? Go look at daycares. That is exactly what it will be, k-12 daycare with a limp wristed curriculum and absolutely no guts, what so ever. They will compete with eachother not on education, but on satisfying dumbasses to keep their business.

Cynicism is prophecy when it comes to education.


Get off the property-tax based system, standardize schools and give them a greater array of programs. Put data in kids heads, and paddle the fuckers when they're bad. Education is more important than healthcare, IMHO.

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All of you are fucking dumb when it comes to the education system. I guess my mom being on the board for 14 years and dealing with more boards and agencies than I can count, taught me nothing.
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Nice, doc. How's a dockworker going to swing that? Certainly not with just a voucher, the cost of a private school goes beyond tuition. This is just another effort to privatize something, hoping it will spawn a new industry.

I would first try to live within you means. I bet that dock worker has a new car, a house that is more than 25% of his monthly income and a 30 year adjustable rate mortgage. Along with credit card cell phones, and a 4 wheeler payment. I could see how the dock worker would not think he can afford it.


Dave Ramsey FTW!!!!

Public Schools FTL? S'poze that has anything to do with them being grossly underfunded? I went to Catholic school through 3rd grade, then public school thereafter. My last feild trip was in 3rd grade, while in Catholic School.


Under funded???????

seriously, in Ohio the schools get nearly 6k per student per year. I dont pay nearly that for private. My Kid is in K5 and writes in cursive, reads and does addition/subtraction.

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Neither candidate is completely right on education.


The problem with our public schools is with the parents and kids. Trash in class breeds more trash. I agree with McCain paying teachers based on results. However, I think that needs to be combined with cutting breaks and providing programs to the parents (families) based on their kids success and test results too.


The above would insure parents and teachers work together. Right now, inner city schools are just places where kids are sent and parents for the most part care but do they really? Kids are then left as victims surrounded by trash and thus don't get a fair shot at succeeding. Teachers can't teach and thus the good ones go elsewhere.


We've all talked about "entitlements" and I hate that term. No one is entitled to shit....GO EARN IT! Get your kids to succeed and want to become contributing members and then you can have your piece of the pie. Otherwise, they will likely enjoy the same 'systems' such as jail, welfare and all those other great programs we the working class sponsor for so many.


Have a kid? Going to have kids? Know someone with kids? Not sure why you would vote for McCain...


From the Ohio Education Association ( http://www.ohea.org ):

John McCain Supports Vouchers

McCain strongly supports vouchers that take money away from public schools. He has consistently voted in favor of expanding voucher pilot programs.


John McCain Supports No Child Left Behind

McCain said No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was “a major milestone in trying to improve education in this country,” but he refuses to fully fund NCLB. As president, he would make the law’s reauthorization a top priority.


(Ask any teacher about No Child Left Behind. It is a complete failure.)


When your family and coworkers ask you about John McCain's record on education, here are 3 things they need to know:


  1. John McCain is no friend of public schools.
    He thinks teachers should be paid based on student test scores, and supports vouchers, charter schools and other policies that take resources out of the classroom.
  2. John McCain will continue George Bush’s failed education policies.
    He is a strong supporter of No Child Left Behind but refuses to fully fund the mandates.
  3. John McCain doesn’t understand that our economic future depends on strong public schools.
    He supports trade laws that send jobs overseas, but won’t give our kids the tools they need to compete in a global economy.

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I completely agree......again, the issue is with the parents.


I fucking crack up when I drive through 'rough' areas of town or see the struggling people of this great land, yet they have a flat screen TV, X-Box 360 and cell phones hanging on their pants. :rolleyes::mad:


I'm going to puke if I see another news story standing in front of a 'middle class' person :rolleyes: with a $100k home and a $50k car in the driveway. Dumb ass people who want more 'entitlements' :mad:


The reality is, not everyone is going to be able to afford private schools or better educational facilities....that's life...if the dockworker wants more, then go get what's needed to make more money and have that better life....but don't fucking keep taking from those of us that go make things happen. :mad:


I would first try to live within you means. I bet that dock worker has a new car a house that is more than 25% of his monthly income and a 30 adjustable rate mortgage. Along with credit card cell phones, and a 4 wheeler payment. I could see how the dock worker would not think he can afford it.


Dave Ramsey FTW!!!!



Under funded???????

seriously, in ohio the schools get nearly 6k per student per year. I dont pay early that for private. My Kid is in K5 and writes in cursive, reads and does addition/subtraction.

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You do know that NCLB was written primarily by Sen. Kennedy right? It was let through by Bush to get some other things done that needed through. Its called a compromise and sure I don't like it, but sometimes things happen that we don't like.


BTW I'm all for vouchers. If my daughter ends up going to school at all it will be a private school.

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The only thing in here that is even approaching right is that NCLB was a massive boondoggle, and that neither candidate has the right idea.

The problem is that kids now spend over half the year doing ONE thing. Studying for the fucking tests that are supposed to be a measure of how well they learn. So the only thing they learn is how to take tests.


Reduce testing. Eliminate testing-specific curriculum. Get back to teaching kids what they need to know to either succeed in a career, or move on to college.


We've been lamenting that we're falling behind other countries because our kids aren't as well educated. Yet, studies on ADULTS show higher learning abilities in Americans than in Japan and other rote-learning school cultures. That's because the educational system we USED to have helped kids develop the SKILL of learning. American adults are able to learn new skills faster and become more adept with skills learned after childhood, and thus are more able to make changes between careers, or take on careers that cover multiple fields. We're losing that by trying to imitate rote-learning cultures through excessive testing, rigid standards, and elimination of elective courses.

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Not sure what the numbers are today, but the 1999-2000 school year, I believe the average expenditure for all Ohio districts was $6,223 per child.


Yep. And in a lot of districts, teachers are still having to come out of pocket to buy textbooks and other supplies.


See if you can get figures on how much of that money goes towards operating expenses like electric, water, gas, maintenance, sanitation, subsidized school lunches, security, etc...

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Yep. And in a lot of districts, teachers are still having to come out of pocket to buy textbooks and other supplies.


See if you can get figures on how much of that money goes towards operating expenses like electric, water, gas, maintenance, sanitation, subsidized school lunches, security, etc...

Dont ask me to pay more because the schools mis manage the income.

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I'm going to puke if I see another news story standing in front of a 'middle class' person :rolleyes: with a $100k home and a $50k car in the driveway. Dumb ass people who want more 'entitlements' :mad:



I have a $140K 1500 Square foot house in a nice area of town. It's not big by any means but if you want to live in nice areas, you will pay a bit more. 2 cars that together are worth Almost 50k, My family is the definition of "Middle Class". Yes I would like to pay less taxes for a little while, not forever, 8 years would be nice. The 1% have had their turn, I'm next in line.


My little Girl will attend New Albany Schools, I'm not worried, It's like a college campus.

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exactly....that's why I vote down every levy they even think of putting in my area. I'm not giving more money to a system that leaks and can't manage what they have.


Dont ask me to pay more because the schools mis manage the income.
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Dont ask me to pay more because the schools mis manage the income.

There's a reason that school board seats are elected positions. Go, run, fix it.


Not sure what the numbers are today, but the 1999-2000 school year, I believe the average expenditure for all Ohio districts was $6,223 per child.

Average means some schools get much less, some get much more, and that is the root of the problem. All schools should get the same amount.

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I don't see where those who perhaps make more, your 1%? whoever that is?, are paying less taxes than you. :wtf: I've coughed up more than the price of my car in just federal taxes in only 9 months this year....so don't tell me I've had a grace period by any means. The more you make, the more you pay.


Now if you're referencing any loop-holes or tax breaks, that's just us being smart and working the system. :)


I don't buy the fact that it's anyone's 'turn' to pay lower taxes, etc...don't get me wrong, I want lower taxes too, and don't care if everyone across the board pays less, but to infer that your entitled to them and I am not doesn't fly.


If middle class folks like us want more, they have to go get more. State Job and blue collar workers who no doubt make up a big portion of the middle class need to break out of the comfort zones those jobs offer because being "comfortable" and "safe" doesn't equate to riches in a capitalistic society.


The problem over the past 10-15 years is both the Millennial generation and some of the X'ers believe they have a right to buy expensive cars and big homes and since the lenders gave them crazy deals they felt they actually 'could afford' the home. WRONG.....someone making $75-$100k today with two kids is still middle class and need to live within their means. But NOOOOO, now we're left bailing out a bunch of them who think they earn enough to drive $40k-$80k cars and live in 3,000 plus sq.ft. homes. :rolleyes::mad:


I know, I see it every day my wife comes home from the office. She has more bankruptcy business today than ever before. Some are valid victims of health care costs, poor decisions in marriage, etc....but many are just plain dumb asses living above their means. :thumbdown


I have a $140K 1500 Square foot house in a nice area of town. It's not big by any means but if you want to live in nice areas, you will pay a bit more. 2 cars that together are worth Almost 50k, My family is the definition of "Middle Class". Yes I would like to pay less taxes for a little while, not forever, 8 years would be nice. The 1% have had their turn, I'm next in line.


My little Girl will attend New Albany Schools, I'm not worried, It's like a college campus.

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Schools are just daycare. Which one of you actually got a good education before 12th grade? Maybe it's just me but the only things I learned were how to skip school, drive my 4X4 to the beach and go surfing, rolling fatties, building bonfires, and practicing my sex ed on the girls who dared to tag along.


EDIT - oh, and how to build bongs and drink beer and avoid cheap ass MD 20/20.

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I agree. Schools should all have a fair chance and there's no reason the kids in the inner city should have less of a quality text book than those in the burbs. The system is broke, but until it's fixed, I'm not contributing to the broken system. Not with my vote.


Average means some schools get much less, some get much more, and that is the root of the problem. All schools should get the same amount.
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Fact: The U.S.A. spends more money per child than any other country in the world. why does it fall behind, Dem's run it.


Vouchers FTW.

I agree with that, The NEA refuses to fix the problem. Eliminate the union and some of the problem will be solved. Until parents get involved with the child's education, the problem will never go away.

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