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Oct 24th.


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Well I should be in town the 23rd. So I am trying to coordinate something for the 24th. I know myself and some others are going to D42 on the 25th early in the morning but, I have been out of town for 12 months and sleep isn't an issue at this point. Anyone have any ideas? I am down to drive anywhere and I am trying to get some old faces out there I haven't seen in awhile. Plus I haven't met like half of the new people on the site, so this could be fun. Here's acouple pictures of my last year:

This guy got in some in trouble for this. Idiot.


Our trucks.





Well I mean here's kind of a teaser for those who already don't know :rolleyes:



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I am indeed back way in the day, god was that a defining moment in my automotive history.. ah well I got my shit together now.



I have a glorious 18 days back in the states before returning to this place.


LoL yeah I had my moments too... I was rockin the red 1st gen turboed probe gt :lol: but I do remember us being a good race.

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Holy shit that was along time ago, I think I remember running you back then. Straight like 4 years ago.


Hey Trey, dang it has been like 3 years haha, I'll ask around and see about those wheels I think I have a buddy who has a bunch.


Preston. Lets go out the 23rd? I think its a Thurs so who knows how busy it will be but it's my first night home and I will need a good drink haha.


Cory I don't think I met you but come on out man, me an Preston have been known to get crazy haha.

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Hey Trey, dang it has been like 3 years haha, I'll ask around and see about those wheels I think I have a buddy who has a bunch.
Please do, Cause she bent a rim last week and is running a steal wheel along with her 18's. So the faster I can get her on a set the better. Get home safe, and enjoy your time here for that short time you have home.
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