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Another weird neat thing from Science Abuse

Science Abuse

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This past weekend, I had the chance to stand face to face with an intimidation beast... a domesticated herbivore, no less. I was in Amish land at a farm, and took nick to see some animals. We saw the horse in a pen about 100yds out, and started walking toward him.... Imagine a super zoom lens, but in real life.

This thing was 6'5" at the shoulder, 4-5' wide at the shoulder, and had a head that dwarfed my 3 year old.

So I give you, the Belgian Stallion:



http://hometown.aol.co.uk/lindaggeorge/Belgian%20Horse.jpg(Fence is 5'7")

http://www.askthefarrier.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/alter-real.jpg (the colt is about the size of your average carnival horse)


A pair of these is apparently good to drag 17000lb. This guy had muscles that weighed more than me, and I'm kinda tubby. Each shoe took 3ft of iron stock to make.

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BTW, I really doubt they have a 19.1 horse in Amish country

Probably closer to 18 hands

Mr Hands? I'm 6ft even, it was conspicuously taller than I at the withers.


Are you implying that the Amish can't raise a big horse, or that they wouldn't keep it to themselves? Should they be putting pix of him on their myspace page? :p


Dude it's a Subaru, don't doubt, just nod.

Dude I has a one, I knowz. ;)

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Mr Hands? I'm 6ft even, it was conspicuously taller than I at the withers.


Are you implying that the Amish can't raise a big horse, or that they wouldn't keep it to themselves? Should they be putting pix of him on their myspace page? :p



Dude I has a one, I knowz. ;)



No, the fact that 19.1 would be world record size and only a handful of horses have ever been that tall... it COULD be that tall, but I highly doubt it.


19.1 would be tied for around #5 on the all time largest horse. The largest living horse in all of Europe is 19.2

That horse in your first pic is 19.2 which would be 6'6 at the shoulder


The 2nd one is 20 hands or 6'7

BTW, us horse people measure horses in "hands" which would be 4 inches per hand

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