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Guest Hal

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What does my religion have to do with any of this? That is some serious stretch.


All he has to do is instruct the County Of Honolulu to release the certificate.


Did you see the pictures? If they are faked its forgery and I would expect the hospital to speak up.


I mean why is this such a hard concept for people to understand. There are pictures showing the raised seal and the notary.

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It has something to do with it. IF I SUE YOU in a fashion like obama was sued and you don't respond in a rapid amount of time then you must hate jesus I mean it can't mean anything else right? If you loved jesus you would have jumped when I said jump.


It has been released I fucking posted a gigantic picture.


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You fucking idiot, I said SNOPES IS NON PARTISAN. here ya go blown up image so you can see it with your head so far up your own ass.


ITs fucking snopes. Now snopes is not a good source. I fucking hate it. If you can't win fair you cheat.

Awesome, I got a mentally-unstable moron to lash out at me. You're a guinea pig for anything the Democratic party throws at them.

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Did you see the pictures? If they are faked its forgery and I would expect the hospital to speak up.


I mean why is this such a hard concept for people to understand. There are pictures showing the raised seal and the notary.

Have you ever heard of HIPPA? THEY CANT RESPOND PER FEDERAL LAW!!!!!

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Awesome, I got a mentally-unstable moron to lash out at me. You're a guinea pig for anything the Democratic party throws at them.




Before Bush's second term and even after besides voting against bush I voted Republican. I hated the idea of paying for poor people. When I pay more in taxes they they make kinda pisses me off.



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Ok typical BS attack me. All I did was POST FACTS. Something that you may not quite comprehend. My Mental stability is not on trial here. OMG THORNE IS A DEPRESSED PERSON so is anthony and many others on this board.. I'm a guinea pig ? No I like reading facts and truth.


Before Bush's second term and even after besides voting against bush I voted Republican. I hated the idea of paying for poor people. When I pay more in taxes they they make kinda pisses me off.


If you want to make this personal we can. If this is some type of Male ego issue were you feel compelled to flaunt I'm sorry I hurt your feelings with me posting pictures.

Holy fuck. Your problem is that nothing you type on here is understandable. You just flew in from nowhere, throwing out made-up words and call me a fucking idiot. Not to mention, you pull out random religion jabs at Rick for no reason(I'm pretty sure less than a year ago, you were some holier-than-thou religious person?) Now you're whining that I make it personal. Seriously Thorne, get help.


On topic: I'm really not concerned about the documentation regarding the Messiah's birthplace, as this trial would likely go on for ages all while the saviour himself prevents crimes, saves the helpless and defeats those evil hard-workers. What they really need for this case is witnesses of his birth, such as the Three Wise Men. :D

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so lets get this straight I toss a picture up. I'm told its not noterized I post a picture with the notery and the seal and thats not good enough. Wait I'm mentally unstable and since I posted it must not be true.


Anit there a bridge somewhere you guys should be supporting?

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so lets get this straight I toss a picture up. I'm told its not noterized I post a picture with the notery and the seal and thats not good enough. Wait I'm mentally unstable and since I posted it must not be true.


Anit there a bridge somewhere you guys should be supporting?

Pictures from the net don't hold up in court. Produce the document, and the case is over!

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Holy fuck. Your problem is that nothing you type on here is understandable. You just flew in from nowhere, throwing out made-up words and call me a fucking idiot. Not to mention, you pull out random religion jabs at Rick for no reason(I'm pretty sure less than a year ago, you were some holier-than-thou religious person?) Now you're whining that I make it personal. Seriously Thorne, get help.


On topic: I'm really not concerned about the documentation regarding the Messiah's birthplace, as this trial would likely go on for ages all while the saviour himself prevents crimes, saves the helpless and defeats those evil hard-workers. What they really need for this case is witnesses of his birth, such as the Three Wise Men. :D

I used rick as an example because is was the first thing that came to my head. Have I been religious ? YES. Am I now ? NO. I never was Holier then Thou. The statement I posted was in the same context as requesting his birth cert, I just took it a step further. It was a basic IF THEN ELSE Statement.



You can't win legit so you try to win on a technicality that's false :(

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WRONG If he was not a patient they are not bound by HIPPA to DENY that he was born there as there was no patient to protect. The county would also press charges for purjury. I posted a fucking picture.

They cannot say either way. Thorne, I think you are forgetting I work inside of HIPPA regulations for a living.

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I <3 google.

I've been looking around for this fucking story, Ya know the source I see is that he did not respond timely so they are admitting it.


WTF anyone can file suite against anyone, That does not mean you have to jump to respond. If that's the case I should file suite dr rick to prove Jesus. If he don't respond quickly he don't like jesus right?


Most of the sites I looked at where named like NewyorkProudwhites and other racist sites.


I just think its so fucking funny that people are gripping so hard. Why can't we just have a race?


Dr Rick I'm Ashamed of you as a person who calls himself a christian you would spread blatant bull shit. This question has been asked and responded to already back in the hillary era so I think its stupid to continue other then to take the focus off the issues at hand.

It is a historical fact Jesus lived BTW.

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They cannot say either way. Thorne, I think you are forgetting I work inside of HIPPA regulations for a living.

I know this, I've also had to deal with hippa when I was installing networks and computers in doctors offices and I had once asked a question to the eye doctor in a similar fashion. I'm trying to rember the exact context. It was about someone not being a patient. It's been 6-7 years you may be right.


Dr Rinkov was the doc but I can't think of the exact context but I know he had came out and said so and so was not a patient of mine.


This thread is BS imho, It's just a silly example of the fear thats going around. Lets all be honest right now. I don't like Obama. He is not my MEssiah. But I HATE mccain's campiegn plain and simple.


I would have gladly voted for.


Fred Thompson

Ron Paul

MAYBE Romney

NO Gulliane

No Hillary

No well NO to any of the democrats going into this. At this point I'm forced to choose. I make a choice based on things like this. This type of FUD is my exacty reasoning.


I hope to own my own business some day and I also hope to make over 250K so do I want more taxes nope shit I hate the ammount i have now. I get my paycheck and I look I paid more in taxes then my wife made. So I would like to see lower taxes across the board.


See I'm talking about Issues I want to know where they stand what they do not the garbage that comes out. Obama is not in the clear eather. I rip on Obama also, I just thing his Signal To noise ratio is better.

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lol its kind of sad that about a week to the election this is the best people can come up with...


if it were true, do you REALLY think he would have made it this far? REALLY?


if this story had any credence to it, the media would be ALL OVER it. it would be the biggest story of the year probably.


ohhh but the liberal media just ignores it... guess what. they also ignored bat boy leading cops on a wild chase in a mini and george bush meeting with aliens. and there was a reason they ignored it too. because its complete and utter bollocks.





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How do you guys defend the information the Obama may not have been born in the US? There is a study that shows his birth certificate was altered digitally and his grandma supposedly went on Michael Savage saying she saw the birth in Kenya.


If he wasn't born in the US would you still try to vote for him?



Hey guess what? McCain was born August 29, 1936 in Coco Solo Naval Air Station, Panama Canal Zone, Panama. So technically he wasn't born in the US either but by law he is an American citizen.

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Lets get more technical then.


Federal law and my history classes in elementary school states that "...You must be a natural-born citizen to become President.."


Federal law states the following for the Panama Canal Zone: "Any person born in the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this chapter, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States.


This did not become the law until August 4, 1937 after he was born.


So he was not a US born citizen for the first year of his life. At least that is how I interpret it as.

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