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Agree/Disagree w/ Flat Tax


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Flat tax is the best way to tax people that show incomes. The problem is when you go to flat tax, the reported incomes will go down. I will use myself for an example. 65% of my income is cash, the rest is traceable income. For those like me, that generat cash income, the reported income will go down.


The ultimate way to make a fair tax is the national sales tax. That will foster investment and savings among the citizens. If you don't spend then, you don't pay tax. I love it!!

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I would actually disagree with the idea of a flat tax for the simple reason of lets say it was 15%. With day to day costs such as utilities, food, etc the amount people pay in those utilities is not too different between the person who is making 30k a year and the person who is making 200k a year, but stick the 15% tax on there the person making 30k is going to be hurting alot more for cash than the person making 200k. That's the reason for the progressive tax.
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I would actually disagree with the idea of a flat tax for the simple reason of lets say it was 15%. With day to day costs such as utilities, food, etc the amount people pay in those utilities is not too different between the person who is making 30k a year and the person who is making 200k a year, but stick the 15% tax on there the person making 30k is going to be hurting alot more for cash than the person making 200k. That's the reason for the progressive tax.

$30k a year with only 15% taxation is QUITE livable. Anyone who can't manage that is trying to live above their means. I'd like a fair flat tax coupled with a state sales tax.

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$30k a year with only 15% taxation is QUITE livable. Anyone who can't manage that is trying to live above their means. I'd like a fair flat tax coupled with a state sales tax.


Oh I know that. But here's the thing, after you take out that, and utilities and maybe food you will end up with a much higher % of flexible money at 200k than at 30k.

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Oh I know that. But here's the thing, after you take out that, and utilities and maybe food you will end up with a much higher % of flexible money at 200k than at 30k.

So, why should we penalize the people who make more money?

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i would be ok with a flat percentage INCOME tax, that encompasses all of our Fed/State/SS/ALL taxes in one.


but what i would reaaly like to see happen, and i agree with the most is the "Fair Use Tax" or fair tax act, something like a flat %30 SALES tax, that would mean, the people with a lot of extra income, that buy lots of lavish things, would be paying the major portion of our taxes.

read about it some here:


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Oh I know that. But here's the thing, after you take out that, and utilities and maybe food you will end up with a much higher % of flexible money at 200k than at 30k.

You can spend the same ratio of your income on utilities that wealthy people do. Don't feel like you have less just because you make less income.

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