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Feds stop attempt to assassinate Obama..


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This has been my biggest fear for this whole election. It will take a huge effort to stop this from happening. It's very sad that in this day and age there are still people so barbaric that they will hate someone else solely on the color of their skin.
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In many states you have to register your firearms even when purchased from a private dealer. I was amazed when I moved to Ohio and didn't have to register my handguns.



Tenn. does not have gun registration

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On his website, he is urging people to call off and take the day off work to support Barack. I am going to ask my boss if I can get the day off to help the cause. I doubt the "I am helping Obama in a battle ground state" line will work, but we'll try.
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Does anybody remember a few months back when the KKK suppobsdly threatened barrack? I sure remember reading about it. The thing that i have been worrying about this election is mostly this, but what happens if McCain gets into office. Do you really think he can live another 4 healthy years? Let alone maybe 8. Also, barrack is definitly a target for the kkk/skinheads/white supremacist. Who knows we'll see.
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You think it will be an inside job Scotty? Honestly Obama comes off to me as fake as fuck! Alot of people like him for his "realness" but lets be honest, what about him makes you think he's real. The fact that he says all the right things and tells you what you want to hear in hopes of getting your money and support...doesnt a stripper do the same thing? I mean to me he is just another douche bag running for presidency that wont change a fucking thing wrong in this country. They are all in it for themselves like it or not. He talks about change...well change doesnt come from the President, change starts with the aveage person, or the corp that is shippping job over seas to save a buck in their own pocket. Change doesnt come from a man who has limited powers, its starts with others making changes
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Some neo-nazi group/skinheads/Klansmen won't have the discipline, planning, weapons, or skill to pull anything off. They're all talk, the ones to worry about are the quiet ones.



Remember Obama said in his book 'Audacity of Hope', 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political wind shift in an ugly direction'....What better place for the Muslins to control our country, than in the office of the President of USA .

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Guest 614Streets
Remember Obama said in his book 'Audacity of Hope', 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political wind shift in an ugly direction'....What better place for the Muslins to control our country, than in the office of the President of USA .



The dude said that? Fuck that guy.

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You think it will be an inside job Scotty?

Those that have raised their right hand before to defend this country against "foreign and Domestic" might take it to heart. I won't consider it "inside". If it were to be done, it will be done by those that formerly defended this country or currently does. I hate to say it, but it's training civilians lack, on top of discipline, and a concrete plan.

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