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Anyone with an RSX Type-S!!!


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I will trade you my Injen CAI, with windshield washer fluid bottle, and pre-cut fenderwell for the CAI...STRAIGHT UP for your stock parts. If there is anyone interested, or if you guys know anyone interested PLEASE let me know. I would greatly appreciate it. I love the intake(as far as the fact my car is a daily driver), but I'm looking to trade my car in, so this has to go.


My phone number is 614-314-7310 btw!

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i have an 04 si civic same motor should work, let me know im interested


I highly doubt that the intake would fit the same way...as well as the fenderwell. If you can do some research and figure out if everything will match up then I'll definitely be down.


Stimmel, I'm looking to probably get a Jeep. I'm having a hard time deciding between a Cherokee and a Wrangler. I just want something with 4WD, and then I'll save up some money and...*gasp* think about getting a fox ;). Let me know what your neighbor says though man!

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