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XBOX 360 or PS3?


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a lot of us have the 360, play a lot of COD4. they seem to have taken care of most of the red ring of death issues. PS3 is still having some issues though with the bluray drive or something.


you can pretty much get them anywhere, check out slickdeals.net for some good prices.

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They both have their pros and cons. 360 pretty much has the 1st person shooter category wrapped up IMO. Unless your a grand tourismo freak and gotta have it I say go with the 360. Of course ps3 does have the Blu-Ray drive. Price wise it's all 360 as well.
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i think that the 360 is the better gaming machine, and that xbox live is far superior to the PS3 online. but the PS3 is pretty much the cheapest blu-ray player on the market, while also not being a bad game console at all. i doubt you would be dissapointed with either. for online games, you cant beat halo 3 and CoD4. forza motorsport 2 is also a great sim racer, although not quite up to GT5(but FM3 is in development, no release estimate though).
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IMO gameplay on PS3 is more enjoyable, but the games for XBOX360 are far superior, specifically Halo 3, Gears of War 2, Saints Row 2.


I think you'd only really be missing out on Gran Turismo 5 and Metal Gear Solid.


However, I will say that HDMI > Component, I'm not sure if newer XBOXes have HDMI

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All 360's except the Arcade model have HDMI now, mine has it. Also the Pro models all now have a 60bg hard drive and cost less than my 20gb(they made this move 2mos. after I bought mine).


The only thing the PS3 has over the Xbox is Blu-ray but you can rent high-def movies on Xbox live and they will have Netflix on Xbox this year and I believe you'll be able to buy movies and watch them on your Xbox.

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I think you'd only really be missing out on Gran Turismo 5 and Metal Gear Solid.

and little big planet. i wnat to play that game bad! oh well though, not bad enough to drop the coin for a PS3 when i already have a 360 and stack of games for it.



about the blu-ray, strong rumor lately that samsung has developed a stand alone blu-ray player for the 360(like the HD-DVD add on) that will sell for ~<$200. microsoft has denied this rumor, but they've denied many rumors that ended up being true.

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As just a gaming machine, 360 wins hands down. This is because pricing, games, Live and the online communities of most games are quite large. I think PS3 is better for the casual gamers who also are movie lovers. You really can't get a complete experience of everything with only one system, though; which is why I have a 1337 pc, 360 and a PS3. :cool:
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