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Obama is not my president!

Chad is Dead

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This guy with the Sentra must be mentally challenged. I almost feel sorry for him, almost.

So how am I mentally challenged? All I did was ask why people would vote for someone who is believed to be the anti-christ? I dont believe in any of that shit myself but, I am curious as to what other peoples thoughts are on things like this.

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So how am I mentally challenged? All I did was ask why people would vote for someone who is believed to be the anti-christ? I dont believe in any of that shit myself but, I am curious as to what other peoples thoughts are on things like this.


the anti crist will be loved by many or so I have read

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you have to admit that the timing of this is a little strange since so many cultures say that the world ends in 2012 and Nobama will be in office during this time.


Means nothing. People have been saying the world is going to end just about every year for the last 6000 or so years.


Also ... religion is illogical, divisive, and downright stupid. How more people are not aware of this I will never know.

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Stop pushing ur beliefz on everyone!!1


LOL. You mean like this ?





This just in:


People who believe in invisible, imaginary friends that live in the sky, control the cosmic fates, and generally rule over the destiny of every living, breathing thing on this planet and the next, shouldn't be allowed to breed. Proof of concept, history in its entirety, including "biblical history". The last couple millenia, sans the more recent centuries, were awful, terrible places and times to exist because of religion. The war and death, bigotry, all around destructive, polarizing nature of organized religion, far outweighs any possible, positive aspect. Only the last hundred or so years of human existence could even be confused with anything mildy resembling prosperity, and decent quality of life for the non-extremely wealthy. In direct correlation with the acceptance of science as a cornerstone of society.

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Also ... religion is illogical, divisive, and downright stupid. How more people are not aware of this I will never know.

I agree completely. I have proudly claimed to be an athiest for a few years now. But i do however find religion and the effects of it to be very interesting. And I find this whole situation to be particularly juicy. I dont remember anybody calling bush the anti-christ during his campaign. I wonder what so different about this one.

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I agree completely. I have proudly claimed to be an athiest for a few years now. But i do however find religion and the effects of it to be very interesting. And I find this whole situation to be particularly juicy. I dont remember anybody calling bush the anti-christ during his campaign. I wonder what so different about this one.


Probably because Obama has a name like... Obama... Just a thought.



With a name like Bush only gay guys will call him the anti-christ :D

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i still dont see how anything i wrote was funny. wither you believe in the bible or not the term anti christ derives from THE BIBLE. i didnt state my religous beliefs. i was stating what it says and clearing up some of the bullshit that people have been spewing about the anti christ.



also food for thought as someone else stated the world has been ending since the beggining of time.


and bush was the anti christ


and bill clinton was the anti christ


and so was bush sr.


its just being thrown around because someone got elected into office that clearly a lot of people didnt want elected, but most of america did.

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