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When/ where did you see it? Were you the fucker that wouldnt shut up during the movie? lol juuuuust kidding. :D


me and my boy colin saw it at Marcus and trust me you didnt hear a peep from us. I fucking hate people that talk during movies. there was a small group of people (bitchs) who for some odd reason decided that the very beginning of the movie was the perfect time to cackle about something they thought was funny. I hate that shit.

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fuckin hilarious, I was dying during all of the ben affleck movie references by the little black kid.


I dont think half the theater got it, but I was dying.


also, I give two thumbs up on the titties that were shown. very nice.


"ok reindeer games"

"Im not ben affleck"

"yes you are, because your white"

"well thats true i am white"

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