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The Faith I Have In Our Government

Kevin R.

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So, I worked for the federal government over the summer. A couple of days ago I get a letter saying I owe them $290~ due to "Time and Attendance changes". :confused: $70 of which they have somehow already taken. Now, every day we filled in our time and it was approved by our supervisor. I often did this with help from others.


Twice I have called the headquarters in Indianapolis and waited on the phone for 20+ minutes before hanging the fuck up.


Fuck this shit. If this was anyone else but our government I would tell them to go fuck themselves, but they will fuck me back on this one.


Guess I will go call back and listen to the hottest waiting jams out right now for a half hour.




Anyone ever had this happen before? I think it should be a rule that if you fuck up paying somebody you eat the loss. Not my fault someone isn't competent enough to do their job.



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I had a company take out to large of a percentage on my 401k. They would not match the amount they took out. Well I did not catch that for about two years and the company owed me quite a bit. They agreed to cut me a check for the amount I didnt really think it was much at the time so I said just send it with my paycheck. That next week my paycheck was 5k dollars. I called them they said that was correct so I went ahead and cashed it and bought hookers and coke. The next week I got a call from home office telling me that I owed them 2500 Dollars. I had to pay it back over the next 4 pay checks. That sucked.


That happened about 8 years ago.

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Would be different if I actually worked for them presently.


Went back and checked all my Leave and Earnings Statements...don't show shit for overpayment....can't get through to talk to anyone.


I feel like I am being bitchslapped by the fed here.

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I got a letter from the IRS a month ago stating I owe more on my taxes from 3 years ago (~$500). I mean, if I messed up my taxes, than my bad, I'll pay up. But fucking 3 years later? To top that off, the letter says I have a month to pay it or I'll begin accruing interest. :rolleyes:
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Good I want my travel pay cock sucker :D


Hahaha. I literally did absolutely nothing all summer and got paid for it. Every day I would file, walk around, and sleep on the shitter until lunch, then smoke 12 packs of cigarettes, sleep on shitter, file, go home. Maybe I do deserve to have my pay docked. :p

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Hahaha. I literally did absolutely nothing all summer and got paid for it. Every day I would file, walk around, and sleep on the shitter until lunch, then smoke 12 packs of cigarettes, sleep on shitter, file, go home. Maybe I do deserve to have my pay docked. :p

Maybe you need to change my years of service too. Just got my drill pay from Uncle Sugar @ DFAS :)

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It was the best paying, worst job I have ever had. Every day I felt like I was in Office Space.

You THOUGHT is was the best paying job, until they made you return half your check. :lol:.


I had the same thing happen to me…In high school I had a part time job at Aquarium Adventure making about $7.25 an hour. Over winter break I put in about 35 hours and they accidentally put all of my hours in as overtime. My check was for like $600 and I was only use to seeing $150-$200….. Yep, that’s about it, they never caught the mistake and I got to keep all the money. So actually it’s nothing like what happened to you…..Yeah that sucks.

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You THOUGHT is was the best paying job, until they made you return half your check. :lol:.


I had the same thing happen to me…In high school I had a part time job at Aquarium Adventure making about $7.25 an hour. Over winter break I put in about 35 hours and they accidentally put all of my hours in as overtime. My check was for like $600 and I was only use to seeing $150-$200….. Yep, that’s about it, they never caught the mistake and I got to keep all the money. So actually it’s nothing like what happened to you…..Yeah that sucks.


Hahaha. That happened to me when I worked at Tim Hortons as a kid, they simply paid me way too much on a check for reasons I don't know, but I returned the money. :(

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