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Heathen temple found, almost 5000yrs older that earth itself!

Science Abuse

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...wut? Did you report it? Pics? That shit is rare, very rare. Not just rare that you saw a Cougar in WV, but that you managed to find a black one. They're really trying to keep track of them, make a phone call if you haven't yet.


No, didn't report it. That was years ago, I was 17 at the time, spending some time with friends in Ravenswood. We were bored, it was the middle of the night, so we were out driving the backroads. As we were driving along, I start to see something that looks like a shadow pacing us, starting to come down into the valley we were in. Eventually it got real close to the truck then disappeared. A few minutes later I asked my friend "what the FUCK was that?" At first he told me to shut up, then eventually told me it was a black panther, and that the state had released a small number of them into the wild to control some other animal population.

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Actually the earth was made yesterday. All the rest is backstory filled in by the big guy to confuse you. No wait, actually the earth was built tomorrow, because time doesnt mean jack to Him, even though you twits are all embedded in it.



(This twit too)



PS - too much confecture in that news piece. Temple bah. It was clearly a prehistoric titty bar.

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