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The CREW!!!!!!! Tonight East Coast Champs.......


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I've never watched much soccer but I've been watching this game. I'm noticing a trend amongst the players.


They bitch. A lot. Anytime they fall down they get up bitching. How about you just shut the fuck up and trip his ass back?


I was hoping someone else would point that out. It takes all the athletisizm (sp?) in the world to play world class soccer but I fucking hate that aspect of soccer, the bitching and 'acting' that goes on. Rugby had it right when it made the rule that only the Captain of the team can speak to the official's, no one else. Cuts down on alot of the bitching.


Oh and Danny O'roarke was in my senior class in high school. I was on the field when he won state championship against North Olmstead in ... 02... i think.

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Sure. Hopefully Ronaldo will continue to trip himself and claim penalty. :lol:

he's gotten to the point where the refs have stopped trying to decide what's a trip and what's a dive and they're just calling everything in his favor. he's one of my favorite players and I can still say UEFA needed Man U to win the champions league last year like everyone claimed the NFL needed the Pats to go 19-0

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Shit was awsome was in the hooligan dsection thrird row up shit was nuts i couldnt talk today, Fire got put out.



The crew has beat ever american mls team this year.


We could possibly be #1 this year and to think its our seventh try just to make it into the playoffs and we are dominating.


Best goal was the head but over mcbride showed that fucker what was up.


Game was great outr boys know how to do it right!


LA galaxy coach was quoted to say that he thinks we will go allw the way.

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Soccer may not be everyone's favorite sport, but if you don't at least support the Crew and what it's doing - playing well, creating a great sports atmosphere, and helping to shape this city's identity a bit that can eventually evolve into a source of pride for the citizens - then you're anti-Columbus and, thus, can fuck off.
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Soccer may not be everyone's favorite sport, but if you don't at least support the Crew and what it's doing - playing well, creating a great sports atmosphere, and helping to shape this city's identity a bit that can eventually evolve into a source of pride for the citizens - then you're anti-Columbus and, thus, can fuck off.

+1. Now if only the Jackets can follow suit.

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