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Conceal Carry Law


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i would hope that if someone pulled a gun on me, there would be people around to jump in and tackle the guy or something. normally, people just pull a gun out and shoot someone for no reason.


and it doesnt make me feel good knowing everyone is carrying a gun.... will it make a robber think twice about robbing.. maybe, but if the public would actually step in when people around them need it..it wouldn't matter if we had guns or not.


if i get a flat tire, i'd hope someone pulled over... do they? not really

if i get into a fight with some chick in a mall... are guys going to step in and stop it? not so much


if someone trys to rob me in a store.. are YOU going to chase him down? ahh you tell me?

You forgot about planes now. Air Marshalls are rocking Sig Sauers chambered in .357SIG. Makes me feel a little better.

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Someone "stepping in" on an armed robbery is going to result in them laying on the ground bleeding. It is very rare that a criminal with a gun is going to be taken down by an unarmed person. Why do you think law enforcement carries guns? They're not for looks.


As for the flat tire/small stuff in malls - bad analogy. A life threatening situation is far more likely to get the attention of our worthless public than someone getting a flat tire or a boo boo on their face because they mouthed off in public.


The best defense for crime is an armed population. DC, Chi-town and LA are examples of this failing, Switzerland is proof it works.

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but it's a good analogy.. coz what if the chick im in a fight with, her bf has a CCW... and whips it out? or even the guy robbing me has a CCW?


people aren't born with criminal records, they start somewhere, and what better way to start..now they are given the oppertunity.


i feel out numbered lol

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To be honest. CCW training tells you that if you are in no danger of YOUR life...you better not pull the gun. My teacher said if a person got the drop on him and said "gimme the money". Gun is on him. He'd give it up and most would think that once the bad gut got the money and fleeing to pull and shoot...well, that's jail time. Even though what just happened. So a bank could be getting robbed with you in it, but if the robber is not causing you any immediate danger or threats...you'd probably be best to leave your gun on your hip. Let him GO.
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To be honest. CCW training tells you that if you are in no danger of YOUR life...you better not pull the gun. My teacher said if a person got the drop on him and said "gimme the money". Gun is on him. He'd give it up and most would think that once the bad gut got the money and fleeing to pull and shoot...well, that's jail time. Even though what just happened. So a bank could be getting robbed with you in it, but if the robber is not causing you any immediate danger or threats...you'd probably be best to leave your gun on your hip. Let him GO.

do you think most people with a CCW in that kinda situation do that tho? i'd think they'd pull it out.

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but it's a good analogy.. coz what if the chick im in a fight with, her bf has a CCW... and whips it out? or even the guy robbing me has a CCW?


people aren't born with criminal records, they start somewhere, and what better way to start..now they are given the oppertunity.


i feel out numbered lol


No one in their right mind is pulling over two girls having an arguement about shoes. Come on now.

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do you think most people with a CCW in that kinda situation do that tho? i'd think they'd pull it out.



See, that's a sticky situation...Why? Because there are gonna be cameras and various interviews by the FBI. Therefore, you're going to be told..."this guy was robbing the bank, but you were over here and he was waaay over there not even interacting with you..You shot him. That may be jail time to be honest. The robbery scenario.....no, I think most people would shoot the guy that just robbed them. Hard to say what the outcome of that could be....really is. Although, the threat was OVER and you engaged him. That's a no no.

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if justice was served correctly, maybe i'd feel better about it. but too often you see the hero in trouble for defending himself or others...


i dont want to be shot but i think i'd rather get shot and hope to live than live 20 yrs in prison for being a hero. is that sad?

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if justice was served correctly, maybe i'd feel better about it. but too often you see the hero in trouble for defending himself or others...


i dont want to be shot but i think i'd rather get shot and hope to live than live 20 yrs in prison for being a hero. is that sad?


You can thank democrats for that, always trying to protect people that fucked up. :rolleyes:

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if justice was served correctly, maybe i'd feel better about it. but too often you see the hero in trouble for defending himself or others...


i dont want to be shot but i think i'd rather get shot and hope to live than live 20 yrs in prison for being a hero. is that sad?



There's a saying...."I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6". That means to me, if I am in a situation that I need to pull my gun and kill a person and I feel I am just in my decision beyond a doubt, I'd rather take my chance in court with a jury....than end up dead cause I failed to act.

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There's a saying...."I'd rather be judged by 6 than carried by 12". That means to me, if I am in a situation that I need to pull my gun and kill a person and I feel I am just in my decision beyond a doubt, I'd rather take my chance in court with a jury....than end up dead cause I failed to act.



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i would hope that if someone pulled a gun on me, there would be people around to jump in and tackle the guy or something. normally, people just pull a gun out and shoot someone for no reason.


and it doesnt make me feel good knowing everyone is carrying a gun.... will it make a robber think twice about robbing.. maybe, but if the public would actually step in when people around them need it..it wouldn't matter if we had guns or not.


if i get a flat tire, i'd hope someone pulled over... do they? not really

if i get into a fight with some chick in a mall... are guys going to step in and stop it? not so much


if someone trys to rob me in a store.. are YOU going to chase him down? ahh you tell me?


You really need to read The Sheep, The Wolf, and the Sheep dogs. Your post obviously displays that you are a sheep who relies on the sheep dogs to protect you from the wolves (no offense)

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There's a saying...."I'd rather be judged by 6 than carried by 12". That means to me, if I am in a situation that I need to pull my gun and kill a person and I feel I am just in my decision beyond a doubt, I'd rather take my chance in court with a jury....than end up dead cause I failed to act.

Judged by 12, carried by 6 :D

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You really need to read The Sheep, The Wolf, and the Sheep dogs. Your post obviously displays that you are a sheep who relies on the sheep dogs to protect you from the wolves (no offense)

well maybe i do reply on people being nice... im not a douche. but maybe im too naive and think people are nice. my bad

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i would hope that if someone pulled a gun on me, there would be people around to jump in and tackle the guy or something. normally, people just pull a gun out and shoot someone for no reason.


and it doesnt make me feel good knowing everyone is carrying a gun.... will it make a robber think twice about robbing.. maybe, but if the public would actually step in when people around them need it..it wouldn't matter if we had guns or not.


if i get a flat tire, i'd hope someone pulled over... do they? not really

if i get into a fight with some chick in a mall... are guys going to step in and stop it? not so much


if someone trys to rob me in a store.. are YOU going to chase him down? ahh you tell me?


God damn, you need some education on this subject. You voted for Obama, didn't you? Hope? Emotions driving your decisions? Yep, you're a naive democrat.


Take a step back into reality and realize that this world doesn't run on Hope and heros and that nobody is going to save your ass but YOU. Nobody.


Before you continue to throw out your misguided, emotion-driven opinions on the subject, how about you do some research on it first?


1. People aren't heros

2. 1 armed criminal would laugh his ass off at 10 unarmed, and dead, 'heros', if they even did step in to save you.

3. Cops WILL NOT be there in a timely manner

4. They aren't even obligated to save your sorry ass.

5. CCW is PROVEN to work. Let me say that again; IT'S PROVEN.

6. CCW holders are trained on the proper use and legal issues.

7. People that have the drive and desire to obtain their CCW do not take the responsibility lightly.

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Just curious on opinions about carrying a concealed weapon. What do you think? I am all for it, however I do not have it at this point. Anyone into Guns, what do you have? I know its random tell me what you think




A snub nose .38special revolver or a compact glock would work perfect for a CCW. I am all for the law and I feel there are some public places that you should be able to carry if you have your permit.

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