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Underwater "alien"


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From, by far, one of my favorite classes, the Cephalopods. This is the Magnapinna squid.


Majority of actual squid info is on the 2nd page.




A bit more info from Wiki for those interested. There's more informative sources, but I'm too lazy to grab them right now.




Anyone else keep seeing the word Mangina when you glance at it's name?

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Looks like the Independence Day aliens. If you can imagine it, it probably already lives in the ocean.

Thats the number one reason I keep my happy ass out of the ocean. And I wont live anywhere near the ocean because when they decide that they have had enough and all the sea creatures start their attack I wont be first to go. :D

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I've always been intrigued in the space program, but the stuff they are finding deeper and deeper in the oceans is just amazing.


I read an article about a DSV under the Antarctic ice shelf that found some absolutely amazing creatures. Great video...

I've wanted to be Jacques Cousteau (sp?) since I was a child. lol I figured I'd probably never get to see lifeforms evolved on another planet before I died, but what could possiblly exist in the depths of the ocean on the other hand... :)





just woderin, is the pic of your sig in bellpoint @ the old bridge off klondike?


Yes. Only a couple minutes from my house. I like to make the drive up Klondike to River Rd for the cruise, fishing or to take my dog to the spillway. You live around there? Oh, nm, I see you live in Delaware. I'd say come on by today or this weekend but you have negative rep and it frightens me. ;)

Nah, kidding, shoot me a pm if you'd like.


Shoot it!

lol Fuckin Scott. That's what I like about you. You may be a damn redneck, but at least you're honest about yourself and I always know what to expect from you. lol :D

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