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Wonderboy... Wtf!!!!


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where have you been sir? I havent had the chance to enjoy ur pointless posts with graphs in a few weeks....


Ha. Back in town and with no job you would think I would have more free time, but my alcoholic ass just eats, then drinks, and then sleeps all day.




Might roll up to the next Reynoldsburg Hooters bash. I <3 $1 drafts.

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Ha. Back in town and with no job you would think I would have more free time, but my alcoholic ass just eats, then drinks, and then sleeps all day.




Might roll up to the next Reynoldsburg Hooters bash. I <3 $1 drafts.

Are you hungry. You should go to b dubs tonight. Im fucking starving and I dont want to go eat by myself.

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Dear Johnny,


He knows not with whom he is prodding! Shall we drop said "gloves" ,or leave him be to wallow in is own awesomeness?


I'm not sure if I can dedicate the 3 brain cells needed for e-battle. I'm am far too distracted by this shiny object someone is waiving in front of me.





Dearest Michael,


I've never been much of an e-battler, and I don't think I can afford to lose any more IQ points by reading more of his mindless banter (e.g., "LOL, it's late and I'm still awake!," "Wow, spaghetti is yummy, and I like fast cars!"). Ultimately, though, I'll defer to you, and allow your wisdom, and the wonderful boobs in your avatar, to guide me.


Your friend,

Johnny Abs

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Dearest Michael,


I've never been much of an e-battler, and I don't think I can afford to lose any more IQ points by reading more of his mindless banter (e.g., "LOL, it's late and I'm still awake!," "Wow, spaghetti is yummy, and I like fast cars!"). Ultimately, though, I'll defer to you, and allow your wisdom, and the wonderful boobs in your avatar, to guide me.


Your friend,

Johnny Abs

My mindless banter? WTF do you call this? And I still dont see why the other people involved with the mindless banter are not being held accountable. This is an outrage! :p:D:p:D

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My mindless banter? WTF do you call this? And I still dont see why the other people involved with the mindless banter are not being held accountable. This is an outrage! :p:D:p:D

Hay Wonderboy WTF?


Who cares, they just know I suck at an e-battle worse than you.

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My mindless banter? WTF do you call this? And I still dont see why the other people involved with the mindless banter are not being held accountable. This is an outrage! :p:D:p:D




Hey, me again. Sorry to write again so soon, but Wonderkid keeps pouncing on every post I make. It's like he's sitting there, continuously hitting the refresh button, feverishly awaiting the next post. I'm getting a little creeped out by it, honestly.


Not sure if I should reply to him or get a restraining order against him. Please advise.




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Oh snap, I just figured it out. Its the whole "do as I say but not as I do" thing right. You guys can waste peoples time with useless posts but I cannot? My apologies good sir. :bs:




Wow, okay, it's worse than I thought. Now he's actually posting his inner monologue. This is starting to border on psychosis. A restraining order may be useless against this kind of psychiatric disturbance.


I can only hope this message reaches you in time.


Your friend,


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