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WTB Black berry Storm


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I got to agree with Thorne, i played on my friends storm and the interface wasn't horrible but it was RETARDLY slow! I would press the screen trying to do something, wait, press it again, then a whole bunch of crap would happen real fast. Like thorne said, not the best interface, give it a few months to be updated w/ newer better software than itll probably be good to go. Just like the iPhone was/has been.
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It was by far the worst interface on a smart phone I've ever played with.



I agree here. I like the click screen cause there is no room for typing errors that us Instinct and iPhone users deal with.

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I agree here. I like the click screen cause there is no room for typing errors that us Instinct and iPhone users deal with.


Theres still problems with it. I was trying out the QWERTY keyboard (on-screen) by holding it sideways and i was hitting wrong letters still. Touchscreen = bad if you have big fingers. Also, theres like a 5+ second delay inbetween having it straight up and sideways...

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I have things to trade for it and it has to be unlocked


07 Traxxas t maxx

07 Traxxas jato

22in acer 1080i computer monitor



Maybe acouple of other things


I'm also looking for a really long ethernet cable like 50ft or more asap



CDMA = no unlocked anything .. GSM is strictly for overseas use

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weird....I've got the storm and like it. No problems with it being slow at all or problems mistyping words.


Thats awesome. My friend ended up droping his in the toilit the night he got it. (Saturday Night) I believe he has the FIRST BROKEN BB STORM. Can anyone say FAIL? And also, the mistyping is probably just my big ass fingers...

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Jones the 6800 costs twice as much for a reason ;)


This is true oh wise one. The stuff you can get these things to do is awesome.


Ripping youtube FTW

Ripping mp3's out of youtube and stockpiling on phone ftw.

Using ripped mp3's as unlimited source of ringers ftw.


Hardware/Sattellite GPS...



Blackberry Storm of suckiness.

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This is true oh wise one. The stuff you can get these things to do is awesome.


Ripping youtube FTW

Ripping mp3's out of youtube and stockpiling on phone ftw.

Using ripped mp3's as unlimited source of ringers ftw.


Hardware/Sattellite GPS...



Blackberry Storm of suckiness.


Cant compare the two... The data device you have my friend is like an NFL team... The storm is still waiting for the BCS to see if they will play for the national championship against the i-phone...

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Isn't the BB Storm the tight as shit phone that everyone is saying is so much better than the iPhone? :lol:


Remember what features the i-phone didnt have when it first came out. It took time, upgrades, and downloads to put Blackberry in second place. RIM is a few software updates away from taking back number 1 if they do it right.

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Remember what features the i-phone didnt have when it first came out. It took time, upgrades, and downloads to put Blackberry in second place. RIM is a few software updates away from taking back number 1 if they do it right.



The iphone didnt even have 3G when it came out. At that point I've had a 3G phone for probably about a year. Fucking fail

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