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Ya'll are pussies.

Devils Advocate

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A. I gave you negative rep because I don't like you.

B. I think we're past the just "slobbing on his knob" stage. I'm not some little slut that he just met last week.

C. You don't know me, therefore you don't know if I'm a bitch or not.

D. You are the fucking bitch, you are the one that is whining because someone gave you negative rep.




I'm laughing so hard right now. I didnt even remember making this thread until I logged on two minutes ago.



A. Doesn't this contradict C?

B. Nobody really gives a shit about what point in your relationship you're at with Hal... seriously. This is a car website, not OMGHIGHSCHOOLCRUSHEZ.COM

C. Doesn't this contradict D?

D. Youre not one to talk about getting butthurt on the internets, since your boyfriend/fiancee/sweetheart/flufferbunny disappears from the forums every couple of months in a huff because somebody says something on here that hurts his feeeeeewings. Add that to the fact that I was obviously less offended than previously indicated by my original post, and we begin to see how dumb and gullible you really are.






WnaPlay: I won't even mention that you used an internet zinger that was actually invented before the internet, I'll just repeat how you actually got so mad at me on the internet one time that you called Anthony and asked him if you could beat me up. LOL!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


JohnnyB/Doctor Colossus: Cant do it. Too busy working and chasing the muff around. However, if I ever have a job that lets me sit on my ass in a computer chair all day for exorbitant amounts of money, I vow to return to CR to rid it forever of the brain cell deprived.


Anyon else who came to the defense of miss prissypants: Do you all have tiny dicks? Srsly.

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I'm laughing so hard right now. I didnt even remember making this thread until I logged on two minutes ago.



A. Doesn't this contradict C?

B. Nobody really gives a shit about what point in your relationship you're at with Hal... seriously. This is a car website, not OMGHIGHSCHOOLCRUSHEZ.COM

C. Doesn't this contradict D?

D. Youre not one to talk about getting butthurt on the internets, since your boyfriend/fiancee/sweetheart/flufferbunny disappears from the forums every couple of months in a huff because somebody says something on here that hurts his feeeeeewings. Add that to the fact that I was obviously less offended than previously indicated by my original post, and we begin to see how dumb and gullible you really are.






WnaPlay: I won't even mention that you used an internet zinger that was actually invented before the internet, I'll just repeat how you actually got so mad at me on the internet one time that you called Anthony and asked him if you could beat me up. LOL!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


JohnnyB/Doctor Colossus: Cant do it. Too busy working and chasing the muff around. However, if I ever have a job that lets me sit on my ass in a computer chair all day for exorbitant amounts of money, I vow to return to CR to rid it forever of the brain cell deprived.


Anyon else who came to the defense of miss prissypants: Do you all have tiny dicks? Srsly.



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Trowa, do we seriously need to bust out that pic again of ur gay ass sittin in that old rental Ferrari?




It's alright, Trowa has made it abundantly clear that the only reason he's even still around here is because the mods have gotten soft in their old age.



Scott: Yeah, no shit. My momma raised me right, I'm not about to unleash the full internet battling fury on a chick/broad/skifooza.

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LOL@ you deleting that pic from ur old thread. Luckily, I saved it for the lulz


Why is the pic funny? I bet you haven't even sat in a Ferrari let alone a RENTAL Ferrari.


Oh and post the pic and it's vacation time, he has asked you not to post his property online. We have been through this. Have a nice day.

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I still don't understand what is wrong with renting a Ferrari. God forbid I enjoyed myself by renting a car I could not afford owning.


If you want to post it again I can send you an digital take down letter. We can legal about it if you really want to.

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Why is the pic funny? I bet you haven't even sat in a Ferrari let alone a RENTAL Ferrari.



The pic is funny b/c he acts like a chode online then he posts a pic of not only himself but him sittin in a RENTAL ferrari and he looks like a pear shaped toucan sam.


The RENTAL ferrari itself has no reference. Just him tryin to floss it w/ his goofy ass sittin in it does

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I still don't understand what is wrong with renting a Ferrari. God forbid I enjoyed myself by renting a car I could not afford owning.


If you want to post it again I can send you an digital take down letter. We can legal about it if you really want to.



LOL embarrassed are we? I'd let ppl post my pic endless amounts for all I care.




well time to go throw some heavy weights around and scream LIGHT WEIGHT!!!


/end Trowa callout

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I will go ahead and get plastic surgery since you feel my physical appearance is displeasing to your homosexual side. I never knew you felt this away about me white! I am glad we got this all out in the open. Communicating is key to any relationship.
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The pic is funny b/c he acts like a chode online then he posts a pic of not only himself but him sittin in a RENTAL ferrari and he looks like a pear shaped toucan sam.


The RENTAL ferrari itself has no reference. Just him tryin to floss it w/ his goofy ass sittin in it does


Check out me Flossin in Italy:


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