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Network gurus...HALP!

El Karacho1647545492

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Okay so my desktop has a PCI wireless card which works so-so on our wireless network, so I bought a 100ft Cat5 cable so I could go directly into the router. Unfortunately, this is the only thing I get:



Any ideas? I'm totally baffled. Its definitely a problem on my computer, not the router. All my roommates are plugged into the router too. I'm semi-good with computers just totally retarded when it comes to networking stuff.

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bad LAN driver? check windows update.


If thats not a problem...


go into the properties on that window and see if its set to automatically get an IP address.


If it is, goto start -> run and type in cmd


in the command prompt, type


ipconfig /release


then when thats done


ipconfig /renew



If none of that works... post again and i'll write more.

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Is your wired NIC card configured for a static IP? If so, it's being told to pull a specific IP address from the router instead of the router assigning it automatically.


Check your card properties and go to TCP/IP properties under the "general" tab. Check the boxes for "assign IP and DNS" automatically if they're not.

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bad LAN driver? check windows update.



go into the properties on that window and see if its set to automatically get an IP address.


Don't think its a driver, i updated what I could



couldn't figure out how to see if its automatically set to get IP.



anthony, your post was gibberish to me. i'm the "street smart" kinda computer knowledgable:o

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have you turned off the wireless card? using both could cause conflicts.


also try rebooting the modem and router....shut down your pc, unplug the modem and router. Wait a minute, plug in the router, once all the lights are up and running, plug in the router. then reboot.

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You really can't update much without an internet connection... Use another computer to download the drivers for your NIC to a jump drive, use the model number on your card to find the ones you need. Is the computer custom?


Maybe if you are still connected via the wireless card as well that can be causing the conflict...

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I'm having trouble with my PC computer, the nic card won't work with my router modem. Should I reboot the hard drive with the cat5 internet cable unplugged? It won't let me surf cyberspace, because surfing in the ocean so totally collates with clicking buttons on an electronic machine. I'm tired.


I need to get some cash out of the ATM machine.

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Well first off go to start -> run. Then type in cmd. This will bring up a command prompt. Type in Ip config /all. Tell me what all your settings are at. Just screenshot it like you did before and I can help more. Also if your IP says the you probably have a bad nic or network cable since this is the default Ip microsoft would give your PC.
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Control Panel


Network Connections


Local Area Connection




Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)


Obtain IP Automatically


Obtain DNS Automatically




Also, disable your Wireless Network Card








OK so something new just popped up. when I go to network connections, the Local Area Connection shows up under a different category (not, LAN or High Speed Internet), it shows up under Network Bridge which I think is my problem. It says the connection is bridged, which is odd because I have no idea what that means nor have I ever bridged any connections. When I click Properties, it takes me to a screen where my only option is to click "configure" regarding my NIC. Here's a screen of it:





Well first off go to start -> run. Then type in cmd. This will bring up a command prompt. Type in Ip config /all. Tell me what all your settings are at. Just screenshot it like you did before and I can help more. Also if your IP says the you probably have a bad nic or network cable since this is the default Ip microsoft would give your PC.



thanks for the help guys I really appreciate it.


edit: and yes, my buddy who helped set up my comp named it Pimpmobile

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I'm currently using my 7 year old compaq presario 700z because my 3 year old $1600 media-intensive HP has completely shit the bed due to cooling issues. I will never buy a non-mac laptop.


edit: however, I couldn't be happier with the presario. after all these years and all the times i've dropped it it still works flawlessly. gotta love my craptop

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