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fuel prices....

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question Erik, what does it take to store/keep fuel like that and not have it go bad? Do you just need a crap-ton of Stabil? I've considered more like a 55 gallon drum, but still ran into the same questions that I didn't have answers for.
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i plan on buying about 10,000 gallons. And storing at my shop for this summer.


has race gas gone down too?

As dumb as that sounds at first, if you could afford to do that you would get a good ROI. lets do the math shall we....

Current average price per gallon = $1.55


10,000 gallons X $1.55 = $15,500


Average price per gallon 5 months ago = $3.45


10,000 gallons X $3.25= $34,500


$34,500 - $15,500 = $19,000 profit….

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As dumb as that sounds at first, if you could afford to do that you would get a good ROI. lets do the math shall we....

Current average price per gallon = $1.55


10,000 gallons X $1.55 = $15,500


Average price per gallon 5 months ago = $3.45


10,000 gallons X $3.25= $34,500


$34,500 - $15,500 = $19,000 profit….

i own a landscape company...im not trying to make profit on it...im trying to run a business with it.

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I think just a good stabilizer. I think it may require a google search.


And Eric, yes, the low prices make me leary. Then again, I have a habit of always looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Hey now, a horse with fucked up teeth can end up costing you more than it's worth. ;)

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back to your question Eric, I'm a bit leary but I'm sure not going to complain about it.


I figure that fuel prices are following just about every other good/consumable right now that are seeing price recession. Just about everything you own is becoming less valuable by the day. I think that around spring time next year (ironically when we'll all actually want to use this nice cheap fuel) that things will return to a more "normal" state in that prices will go back up. Unfortunately I think the price of fuel will go up exponentially faster and sooner than the prices/values will return on anything else.

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Is anyone else *slightly* worried about the rediculous drop in the last few months?

I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, but it just doesn't seem right.



People laughed at me when I said this economy would REALLY take a shit if:


The dollar stregthened

Oil prices tanked


It's commodities deflation, and no, it is not a good thing.


If things were in equilibrium, we would have about $75-80 oil and $2.25 gas.

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Random thought.. think they saw they books, realized they made too much money this year, and are using the lower prices to cover up their huge profits??


Probably not, but it would make sense if they did.


Gasoline is traded on a commodities market. They are actually making MORE profit off of lower prices than they did off of higher prices. Think $.15 now vs $.05 at $4. That is everyone, the stations, the distributers, companies like Exxon.

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Random thought.. think they saw they books, realized they made too much money this year, and are using the lower prices to cover up their huge profits??


Probably not, but it would make sense if they did.

My personal conspiracy theory is this: Gas always costs as much as it can. The rocket to $4 was an experiement, they backed off when it hit the magic number that actualy caused measurable trouble in our economy.


Now with the credit crunch, they're being nice and lowering prices. Imagine what things would be like if gas was still $4/gallon...? No plucky elf or genderconfused child puppet could save Christmas in such an environment.

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My personal conspiracy theory is this: Gas always costs as much as it can. The rocket to $4 was an experiement, they backed off when it hit the magic number that actualy caused measurable trouble in our economy.


Now with the credit crunch, they're being nice and lowering prices. Imagine what things would be like if gas was still $4/gallon...? No plucky elf or genderconfused child puppet could save Christmas in such an environment.






Bravo on the funniest post of the century. Can we archive this?

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why dont you just lock in at a certain price instead of storing it all yourself. i bet you can do that if u buy 10k+ gallons.


He should be able to. I would offer some names of some guys I know who are distributers, but they all sold in July when gas was $4 :lol:

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As dumb as that sounds at first, if you could afford to do that you would get a good ROI. lets do the math shall we....

Current average price per gallon = $1.55


10,000 gallons X $1.55 = $15,500


Average price per gallon 5 months ago = $3.45


10,000 gallons X $3.25= $34,500


$34,500 - $15,500 = $19,000 profit….


No one else caught the math error here??

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i think gas prices have a heavy hand on our life today. most people have started driving less as a way of saving money. maybe im wrong. i know i only drive when i need to. yes, it scares me that its going so low.
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