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toyko mater.....?


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it's a 15 minute short

and it says there have been 3 others, all of Mater doing/being different things

this is nothing big or special

15minuites or two hours, still to long to have a cartoon rusty towtruck be the new drift king..... its just retarted lol



oh an I just noticed I spelled tokyo wrong in the title an OP

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In all honesty I think in the group pic I think I see trdcavfire's rice pos toyota cavalier in there.... I mean he says its jdm right?


FYI as of 2005, there were 3 actual Toyota Cavaliers in the States... dunno how many now, but there really is such a thing running around.

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'mater, kiss your chances of joining CR goodbye, you drift fag ricer! :cry:


Fortunately for CR, we have some very astute members continuously scouring popular children's media on the lookout for such incriminating evidence ..... :rolleyes:


In a chat room I heard that Lightning McQueen and 'mater first hooked up through a Craig's List ad. Paul, Phil, I know you guys peruse CL a lot ..... have you seen either of these fags on there? :confused:


(Although we can hardly blame 'mater for being on Craig's List -- someone prolly told him it was the best place to find a pickup.)

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