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Storm Chasers.. WTF?


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What a bunch of f'n idiots...


The TIV falls apart because it's 6 tons on a 3 ton frame.


The DOW couldn't find a tornado if it touched down ON it.


The probe team doesn't place their probe because of HEAVY RAIN???? What, did they expect it to be sunny and dry around a tornado??


The Misc. Dudes in their SUVs are about as smart as a box of rocks. Tornado's about to hit you? Let's throw it in reverse rather than turning around so we can use the faster gears.. What? Not fast enough? Scream "BACK UP!" louder to make it go faster.


What's worse is that the shoe-string budget frat boys get more success than the multi-million dollar TIV team.


Why is this show still on TV?


I've only caught a few episodes, and every one just makes me shake my head. I keep thinking that since the show it still on, that it must be better. But each time I'm disappointed. I saw one episode where the TIV made it near a tornado (but not in it) and the IMAX camera broke!


And the maddening thing is that a good friend of mine who's one of the smartest people I know, and has so little free time that he spends it like gold, is addicted to this show! I just don't get it.


What do people see in this show?

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I found it entertaining.


Reed did better than a $500k DOW using a laptop and a leased Tahoe. :lol:


I've always been fascinated by tornadoes. It's just an amazing feat of nature: very rare, incredibly unpredictable yet very destructive, and really only happen here in America. Most of the rest of the world never even get tornadoes.


I don't understand why they don't just equip a USAF-style drone, or even a beefy remote controlled plane, with sensors and then fly it right into the heart of a tornado. Most chasers spend tens of thousands of dollars in fuel, equipment, and volunteer time trying to get sensors, Doppler radar, etc...near/into a tornado. They could have 100% success with a remote flying sensor array. :)

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These teams to get actual DRIVERS... The TIV is ON a road that is going to intercept a Tornado, and they're asking where to go... JUST F'N DRIVE TOWARDS IT! 90% of the roads in the midwest are laid out like a grid.. How hard is it to figure out where to drive?


And I agree, that girlfriend driver is annoying as hell.

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The only show worse is Sea Shepherds. A bunch of hippies on a boat trying to intimidate whalers by... sailing past them and occasionally illegally boarding them with no plans whatsoever once they actually get on the other ship.


To top it off the top few people in charge have no people skills and because of that the crews change every chance they get. And people are DONATING MONEY to keep this operation going.

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The only show worse is Sea Shepherds. A bunch of hippies on a boat trying to intimidate whalers by... sailing past them and occasionally illegally boarding them with no plans whatsoever once they actually get on the other ship.


To top it off the top few people in charge have no people skills and because of that the crews change every chance they get. And people are DONATING MONEY to keep this operation going.

I've heard about this, but haven't seen it. When I heard that they were attacking (don't care what they call it, it is attacking) Japanese boats while flying the Australian flag I knew I didn't need to see it. Nothing worse than fanatics that think their cause is so just that they can create an international incident without repercussions..



Oh gods, Storm Chasers just got worse:


"They finally manage to drive the TIV into a tornado, but they can't get around the fallen 100,000 volt power cables."


Yes, that's tragic.. If only they had something like a Faraday Cage and rubber insulators they could put between them and the power lines.... Oh wait! They do! It's called a FUCKING CAR!

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These teams to get actual DRIVERS... The TIV is ON a road that is going to intercept a Tornado, and they're asking where to go... JUST F'N DRIVE TOWARDS IT! 90% of the roads in the midwest are laid out like a grid.. How hard is it to figure out where to drive?


And I agree, that girlfriend driver is annoying as hell.


The fact is 90% of the tornadoes they chase are a mile or so off of a major road, and they really don't know where in the hell it's going to go. Plus. they are usually travelling anywhere from 30-50mph on the ground...


I don't blame them for not hitting one by road. Paved roads are spaced out pretty widely out in corn country...it can be tough to anticipate where a tornado is going accurately enough to know which roads to travel on.


I LOL'd at the women on that show too.


If I was paying for the UofOKLA tornado program, I would fire that professor. The second some dork with a Dell and mobile WiFi starts schooling you, it's time to find another line of work...

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Yeah, and 20 years ago it was global cooling.


Newsflash: the sun isn't a constant.

LOL, remember the OZONE HOLE? Oooh... scary! We're doomed!


It was a great rallying cry for the global warming camp... untill some meddling scientists in the Ant Arctic pulled a core sample and found out it's always been there. Oops!


I agree that we're f'ing up our environment, but the way they're going about how to fix it is all wrong. It's like trying to put someone on a diet. It won't work for the vast majority you need to do it. You have to change it so that an eco-friendly lifestyle is more convenient than our current one.

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.....until it broke. :(


Which time? Seriously. The camera guy in the TIV annoys the fuck outta me.


1. He's most definitely a faggot

2. He talks about how badass the TIV2 is, while it constantly falls apart.

3. He says things like, "Deploy Claws! Deploy Claws"


Yea. He's mad dumb, son.



I started off watching this season, but since then, I've forgotten what day it airs and no longer give a shit.

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The fact is 90% of the tornadoes they chase are a mile or so off of a major road, and they really don't know where in the hell it's going to go. Plus. they are usually travelling anywhere from 30-50mph on the ground...


I don't blame them for not hitting one by road. Paved roads are spaced out pretty widely out in corn country...it can be tough to anticipate where a tornado is going accurately enough to know which roads to travel on.


I LOL'd at the women on that show too.


If I was paying for the UofOKLA tornado program, I would fire that professor. The second some dork with a Dell and mobile WiFi starts schooling you, it's time to find another line of work...



That's why they need one of these...


With armor plating.... :bangbang:

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I don't understand why they don't just equip a USAF-style drone, or even a beefy remote controlled plane, with sensors and then fly it right into the heart of a tornado. Most chasers spend tens of thousands of dollars in fuel, equipment, and volunteer time trying to get sensors, Doppler radar, etc...near/into a tornado. They could have 100% success with a remote flying sensor array. :)


While flying something into it is a great idea, you can't get something to fly directly into it with the wind forces that tornadoes have.


If I am wrong please correct me.

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While flying something into it is a great idea, you can't get something to fly directly into it with the wind forces that tornadoes have.


If I am wrong please correct me.

I think you're right. I beilieve the spin of a tornado funnel is due to the air flowing downwards very quickly (like a toilet flushing). So the air currents around a tornado would be blowing AWAY from it.


In the episode aired today, a gust from one of these outer air currents blew a Nissan pathfinder off the road.


However, the air currents ABOVE the tornado should pull things TOWARDS it. So a high-altitude drone with a droppable payload might not be a bad idea..


Or a high-velocity guided rocket.

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they also said they have tons of data of tornados from high up and such but they are trying to get more data from the ground the the first few hundred feet or so, hence them trying to drive into one.


Also, i agree the dumb redhead that asks stupid questions drove me insane and she was always scared to drive i was like bitch shut the fuck up and let someone else drive.

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The only show worse is Sea Shepherds. A bunch of hippies on a boat trying to intimidate whalers by... sailing past them and occasionally illegally boarding them with no plans whatsoever once they actually get on the other ship.


To top it off the top few people in charge have no people skills and because of that the crews change every chance they get. And people are DONATING MONEY to keep this operation going.


Seriously? I love this show. It is called Whale Wars. It is very entertaining.

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