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Storm Chasers.. WTF?


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I think you're right. I beilieve the spin of a tornado funnel is due to the air flowing downwards very quickly (like a toilet flushing). So the air currents around a tornado would be blowing AWAY from it.


In the episode aired today, a gust from one of these outer air currents blew a Nissan pathfinder off the road.


However, the air currents ABOVE the tornado should pull things TOWARDS it. So a high-altitude drone with a droppable payload might not be a bad idea..


Or a high-velocity guided rocket.


There is some vertical flow around a tornado cone, but mostly it is swirling winds. The problem is that a tornado cone is usually a tight funnel of swirling wind, so that you can have 120mph winds going one way at the nose, while the tail is being blown at 100mph the other way. Flying an aircraft of any kind through a tornado would result in a very broken plane. Maybe it COULD be done with a low F1, they only have 70mph winds, but I wouldn't loan them my multi-million dollar drone for it, and I damn sure wouldn't fly the plane myself.

Rockets have been done, but the problem is that a rocket big enough to carry much in the way of atmospheric sampling equipment is large, powerful, and not easy to transport. Throw in all the lightning and regular high winds that happens around a tornado, and I'd rather not be driving a truck with a tube of explosive mounted on the back anywhere in the area.

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That's t.v. for you, I just don't pay attention to stuff like that and enjoy the show for what it is.

That's just it, ignoring all that stuff, I still don't see anything of substance. It would be fine if they would get into tornadoes more often. I could even stomach it if the people appeared more competent. A good show has either great results, or great people. A great show has both. This show has neither in my opinion. All that's left is the scientific theory, but that can be had from reading a book.

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