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The Dinosaur Debate....Also Creation Vs Evolution


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Dude, i learned about dinosaurs in the bible when i was like 8.

As far as creation goes, The bible says that to God a thousand years is like a day and a day like a thousand years. In the beginning of genesis we are looking at God's time, there was no 24 hour day on earth untill long after humans had been here.


This view dissagree's with the church I attend but no matter what somone thinks in this matter is not going to determine somone's eternal life.

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Dude, i learned about dinosaurs in the bible when i was like 8.

As far as creation goes, The bible says that to God a thousand years is like a day and a day like a thousand years. In the beginning of genesis we are looking at God's time, there was no 24 hour day on earth untill long after humans had been here.


This view dissagree's with the church I attend but no matter what somone thinks in this matter is not going to determine somone's eternal life.



The 1000 years is like a day is something I've tried to push to people. The problem is people get so caught up on what some MAN tells them they forget that MAN is falable and that blind faiths is stupid.

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I am tired of people pushing evolution on me. Thorne you are so closed minded!



Yup I'm closed minded because I won't accept your nonsense as truths. YUP That's me because I won't harp on the fact that Obama WAS BORN IN HAWAII.



If I'm closed minded your a bigot.


LEts see.



You Hate Gays

You hate Non christians

You Hate Christians who don't follow your exact belief.



I'm sorry that America is trying to push SCIENCE instead of VOODOO.

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Yup I'm closed minded because I won't accept your nonsense as truths. YUP That's me because I won't harp on the fact that Obama WAS BORN IN HAWAII.



If I'm closed minded your a bigot.


LEts see.



You Hate Gays

You hate Non christians

You Hate Christians who don't follow your exact belief.



I'm sorry that America is trying to push SCIENCE instead of VOODOO.

I hate no one. Well maybe spaceghost. Take your blood pressure meds and chill out.

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