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A little ice, and a bunch of morons

Mr. Jones

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Just got back from my company X-mas party.


270 from Easton to Fishinger. Saw literally 10 accidents; most were multi-car.


Seriously, the roads weren't that bad. I could have drove 65-70 safely the whole way home without issue (was doing 65 until my wife saw a few accidents, and asked that I slow down).


Seriously, we need stronger restrictions on who can get a license.

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12+ inches of snow here in the last 24 hours, still snowing and I haven't seen a single accident. For all the faults of living here, people know how to drive in inclement weather.


I beg to differ. People in the NE and especially Boston are terrible drivers ALL the time. It has nothing to do with inclement weather.

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Guest tbutera2112

how come every time the roads get bad, we get like 20 posts about people bitching.... how long have you lived in ohio? its the same shit every year


+1 on the repost, someone else made this exact thread a few ago

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how come every time the roads get bad, we get like 20 posts about people bitching.... how long have you lived in ohio? its the same shit every year


+1 on the repost, someone else made this exact thread a few ago



Because its a car forum and driving has to do with cars. Plus the name of Jones thread doesnt look like its about snow and ice until you actually open the thread.

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I witnessed a multi-car pile-up on the Lane Avenue bridge. On my way back through the same area, they had shut down the bridge.



just passed this, and as of a few minutes ago...the bridge was seemingly clear, but cols pd is still guarding it with 5 cruisers and flares...i had to take the long way around to my apartment...


On a separate yet related note, tonight I saw the most sickening accident I've ever witnessed on the freeway. I live about 30 miles west of columbus and on my way back to campus I saw a semi that was diagonally occupying (and facing the wrong direction) all 3 lanes of 70 W less than a mile from the US 42 exit, and it must have just happened soon before I passed because the medics and fdp and pd were there but there wasnt much of a traffic backup yet. As I was passing, I happened to see the other side of the truck and there was actually a small, silver 2 door car flattened completely by the end of the trailer of the semi....the firemen were just standing there staring at the wreckage, and sadly the crash didnt even look survivable...the entire car was pancaked. Needless to say I drove away sick to my stomach... :(


Drive safely everyone...

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We have the worst drivers on the planet.


Coming back from TSO tonight, every single overpass was shut down and or had cops. 70 E to 270 was shut down...and we stopped counting at around 8 wrecks.




Is that it THAT HARD to drive reasonably ?



I will agree with that 100%. I wouldn't blame it on lack of responsibility so much, as to lack of actual skill. I'd say most driver's on the road don't posess the skill to counter steer into a slide, control a spin, or all around drive in adverse conditions. Most of the retards on the road will panic, and immediately slam on their brakes. Where that helps in some cases, it should be used in coordination with steering, and controlled amounts of braking. I guess people all too often forget about the E-brake too. I'm no Michael Shumacher, but it don't take a lot to learn and feel your vehicle.

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after i left hooters tonight, i saw (after i decided i had seen enough to start counting accidents) 12 cop cars at accidents, 16 accidents and 4 of those the one of the cars involved was completely turned around.


then on west case, i saw a caviler in a ditch and a cop blocking the rest of the road, so i turned around and went back the other way, when i saw an eclipse going pretty fast down the road, he started fishtailing as he got to me. i really didn't think he had time to stop before he got to the cop car so i just sat and watched, the cop got out of the way really fast and he slid through the whole thing.


I didn't have any problems at all getting home.

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after i left hooters tonight, i saw (after i decided i had seen enough to start counting accidents) 12 cop cars at accidents, 16 accidents and 4 of those the one of the cars involved was completely turned around.


then on west case, i saw a caviler in a ditch and a cop blocking the rest of the road, so i turned around and went back the other way, when i saw an eclipse going pretty fast down the road, he started fishtailing as he got to me. i really didn't think he had time to stop before he got to the cop car so i just sat and watched, the cop got out of the way really fast and he slid through the whole thing.


I didn't have any problems at all getting home.




I, as every winter, laughing at people as I pass them in their 4WD Honda Pilots in my fucking Mustang.


It is honestly the people who drive TOO cautiously who cause the wrecks. Pilot in front of me making me merge onto a freeway at 25 mph could only end in ME getting rear ended. Stupid fucks.

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12+ inches of snow here in the last 24 hours, still snowing and I haven't seen a single accident. For all the faults of living here, people know how to drive in inclement weather.



i would my rather drive on snow then a ice skating rink as it was when it was raining ice. snow is a hell of a lot better for driving then that crap. i was out in it up here. anything 20mph or over car just started skating.

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If people would just slow down a little bit and give a little more space between cars in bad weather like tonight there would be a lot less accidents. On a happy note I arrested two more drunk drivers tonight, oh and one was out of an accident.
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12+ inches of snow here in the last 24 hours, still snowing and I haven't seen a single accident. For all the faults of living here, people know how to drive in inclement weather.


I used to live about 45 mins from Boston in Nashua. I don't remember anyone driving so badly there as they do here.




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