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Fuck work

Alex L.

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Here's the fuckin topper for xmas eve morning. Fell asleep around 5am or a bit after. One of my dogs woke me up at 7am to show me what she'd done to the house.

I'll give a quick backstory. Possible spoiler ahead. Left to goto the store yesterday morning/noonish and my young female decided to grab this big fruit bread shit and ate the whole fucking thing off the counter. Something she's only ever done once. She shredded everything and ate all the fruit "whothefuckwouldmakethisshit" bread. My older male didn't touch it. Damn, he's always such a good boy.


Anyway, I thought there'd be some poop problems and thought she'd taken care of them earlier in the night. I was sadly, very sadly mistaken.

Shit everywhere. No, really. I'm not sure I could exagerate enough for you people to understand. Explosive diarrhea. Puddle by the couch, huge puddle by the downstairs closet, huge puddle by garage door, dripping and various small puddles between each and some on the garage door walkin rug and a couple walls. But wait, there's more. :(


In the kitchen, I had to clean almost half the kithen floor, including half the sliding door and it's blinds, two chairs, the table and the long hallway type rug by the sliding door. It looked like she aimed her ass at the blinds and "shotgun" shitted at them creating glorious runs of shit that were very quickly drying, well, except where it was good and slimy. Almost 2hours later, mulitple towels and paper towels (all now trash bound) and I'm finally done. Thank goodness for latex gloves. It's 64o in here and I'm sweating. Smell's not as bad as I thought it would be. Luckily, I have some carpet cleaner but I'll have to do it again later to make sure there are no stains. Oh, and Febreeze ftmfw.


What a fuckin way to start the day. Think I'll just stay up in zombie mode and watch some Springer. That oughta cheer me up a bit. :bs:

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