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Keep it illegal and controlled, I say we start clubbing people who get caught instead of prison time. 3rd strike the officer gives you a 50 foot head start then starts shooting.



your an idiot


the crime rate would drop about 50% and the government would make a shit ton of cash

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i voted for the other guy


i just think legalized and taxed drugs are a viable option let people decide on their own if they want to fuck themselves up


instead of wasting money in a futile effort to stop the drug trade back it and cash in :)



I can partially understand this, I mean they let idiots kill themselves with tobacco and heartily profit from it, why not weed.

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Srsly... I know this will offend you, and I dont mean to make you feel that way, but I'm impressed by the increase in tolerance that you've showed over the past year or so.


I've been on here for like 5 years, and this is the first time I think I've said that.

The way I look at it is...


Why do we have legal alcohol, and have illegal pot? I bet the reason it is illegal has something to do with being able to grow pot in your closet and Uncle Sam would have a hard time making $$ from it. Beer, wine, whiskey etc. are a little harder to make thus easier to regulate and tax.


We spent billions to keep pot off the street and it has done nothing to stop the trade. I find it hypocritical to spend money in the schools to have the DARE program, then when the bell ring 20% of the kids go to the nurses stattion to get Ritalin.

Teacher- "Kids don't do drugs!!!! Johnny go get your Ritalin after the bell rings."


I am all in favor of keeping Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, Meth etc. illegal.


BTW... I am am still intolerant.

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I'm not saying it will ever happen, or that I am really for any sort of legalization.

The law is clearly written, if you are stupid and get caught with drugs of any kind, sucks to be you I guess.

I think Thorne meant you'd have a very hard time killing yourself with weed. I mean, unless you try to swallow a bag and choke on it. Marijuana is far more safe and even beneficial in many areas, as opposed to tobacco and alcohol. Do some research. People prefer to listen to someone spout off who actually know what they're talking about.

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Hard to control and tax. It will never be legalized. De-motivator, people smoke it, don't get shit done, nothing would ever get done productive.


and i've been drinking

Not entirely true. Most potsmokers who are lazy, loser fucks with no motivation were lazy, loser fucky before they started smoking. As with anything, responsibility plays a huge role. I know more smokers who hold a job, own their own cars, pay their own bills, etc., than don't. By far. Guess you just need to hang out with people who aren't idiots. ;) I know more doctors, business owners, and professors who smoke than you can imagine. Good, hardworking people that would never fit into this ignorant view people have of everyone who smokes. I would get into this further, but I'm not comfortable on a public forum.

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Legalization/ Decriminalization is the way to go. The pros heavily outweigh the cons.


"Criminals" are let out of jail. Less tax money is being used to keep these "Criminals" in jail. (Drug dealers, rec users)


Regulate it/Keep it off the streets. It's a lot easier for kids to get dope than it is to get cigarettes. When I was in high school I had a harder time getting cigs then I did marijuana.


Direct money on the drug war to better things.


Think about all of the money that is spent trying to deter kids away from marijuana use, and how ineffective it is. We spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the stupid above the influence commercials.


The medicinal dispensaries also PAY TAXES to the state on the money they pull in.


Cons are seeing controlling it on the roads. But... many studies show that marijuana smokers that drive are actually more safe while on the roadways. Not all of them, most of them, but... when was the last time that you have heard of a fatal wreck due to marijuana?


The fact that prohibition has lasted this long is ridiculous.

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here are some anslinger quotes regarding why pot should be illegal


"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others."


"...the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."


"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."


"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."


"Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing"


"You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother."


"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind."


good stuff :rolleyes:

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Marijuana should have been legalized a long time ago. The potential economic gains appear absurd; it's obvious that criminalizing doesn't stop people from using it (i.e., the War on Drugs has been a lost cause for a long time); it's equally obvious that decriminalizing (i.e., legalizing) it doesn't result in "automatic" abuse or misuse of the drug; and there is simply no logical reason why it should not be legalized.


BTW, I'm not a smoker and never have been. However, I'm fairly well educated on many of the issues relevant to this, so my opinion is based on everything but a desire to use marijuana without fear of persecution.

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Sounds unlikely... link?


I'm all for legalizing. Just wish that there was a "weed breathalyzer" to keep dui's in check.

Ah, there was an actual study done to show the affects of drugs and alchohol on drivers using a 100% sober control group. They were suprised to find that the only other group to not only perform as well, but better, than the control group, was those under the influence of cannabis. I will try to find the study in a bit.

Of course, with any drug, it's affects can vary from person to person and depending on their experience. However, I find more often than not, the "idiot potheads", ie; those who fall under the term "loser" or "irresponsible"; those who would give a bad impression of "potheads" were idiots to begin with. Actually, I think I touched on this a bit above, already.

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Marijuana should have been legalized a long time ago. The potential economic gains appear absurd; it's obvious that criminalizing doesn't stop people from using it (i.e., the War on Drugs has been a lost cause for a long time); it's equally obvious that decriminalizing (i.e., legalizing) it doesn't result in "automatic" abuse or misuse of the drug; and there is simply no logical reason why it should not be legalized.


BTW, I'm not a smoker and never have been. However, I'm fairly well educated on many of the issues relevant to this, so my opinion is based on everything but a desire to use marijuana without fear of persecution.


-Dr. Tilley


What's your take on the Pyshictiric uses of it ?


Treating Bipolar.

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