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Tales of a Street Sweeper


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"and the only description of this voice would be if Charlton Heston, Prince, and Barry White all jerked off into a turkey baster and artificially inseminated Weezy Jefferson WHILE she was toking up on a crack pipe in addition to snorting a mixture of Meth and fiber glass, and this would be the hosed up mutant bastard child's voice."


From the tranny hooker story. Funny shit

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Finished the whole thread today, holy crap, I hope that gets made into a movie.


Sucks about his chick, sounded like she was meant for him.


Anyone know what he was banned from SA for? If you click the link it says for breaking the rules by making an awesome thread. WTF?

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Finished the whole thread today, holy crap, I hope that gets made into a movie.


Sucks about his chick, sounded like she was meant for him.


Anyone know what he was banned from SA for? If you click the link it says for breaking the rules by making an awesome thread. WTF?


If your post are of too high of quality, you are not allowed to be on SA.

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i read this a while ago, and then just re-read most of it. i find it hard to believe that he's not exaggerating quite a bit, and that some of the stories probably never happened. ever wonder why he wins every race, every fight, takes on 3 guys at once, the cheesy lines, etc. etc.??? he definitely knows how to tell a good story though
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Well kinda http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2411937&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=30


c0balt posted:


I loved the stories. They were well written and entertaining. I'm still a bit doubtful of all of them being completely true such as you and Jen's father sharing a smoke inside the Waffle House almost two years after Georgia's statewide smoking ban, but it doesn't matter seeing as fiction can be just an entertaining! Thanks for the great read.




Welp, you found me out! I was so drat careful to orchestrate everything and I was undone by a technical flaw. Everything I've ever written here has been undone because I said we shared a smoke in a state that has a smoking ban.


Orrrrr maybe I pick the next state over from the one we were actually in because I'm tired of getting IM's from internet detectives.



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