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imbread ricer for the LULZ


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lol You know, I started to say something about him hitting the pole twice (won't even bring up how the hell he got to the pole considering his original crash heading) and then it just got about 10x more ridiculous before I could even begin typing. Ok, back to vid...




Well, that was entertaining. Also, it seemed like his spitting was a bullshit indicator. The more shit he continued to spout, the more he spat.. spit... whatever. :nono: lol



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Another of the kid.



My cousin actually stabbed a guy we knew with a butterknife. It was along his side along his ribs. You could pull the skin away around the wound like pulling along a hole in rubber glove on your sweaty hand. (Best way I could describe it quickly.)


Who's the guy I keep seeing in both vids on the bike in the background? Does he just hang out with him for comedic value? I would. I would have to be stoned and/or drunk, but I would. Maybe, in increments. lol :D

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