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How to Tone Up/ Bulk Up?

Radio Flyer1647545514

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I'm just concerned about side effects of whey protein and my health > building huge muscle.


There are no side effects that I know of with respect to using whey protein (or any protein supplements). Well, you tend to get a little gassy (*insert fart noise here*), but protein does that to you.


As for side effects of building huge muscles, there are many, from hot chicks asking to have sex with you often, people asking for your autograpgh, being asked if you're a male model, and so on.

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What you do need is commitment. This is not me trying to sound like a military recruiter. Instead, I'm trying to say that, in order for this to work for you the way you want it to, then you are going to have to set aside the time to do it right...


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What if you just eat right and barely work out at all? I srsly can't stand lifting heavy stuff at the gym anymore, mentally and physically. I see dudes that could crush my face with their earlobe and it makes me feel even worse about myself.


you will lose weight and muscle too.

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There are no side effects that I know of with respect to using whey protein (or any protein supplements). Well, you tend to get a little gassy (*insert fart noise here*), but protein does that to you.


As for side effects of building huge muscles, there are many, from hot chicks asking to have sex with you often, people asking for your autograpgh, being asked if you're a male model, and so on.



I really need to follow some of the advice in given in this thread.

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just like everybody else said.

PROTEIN and eating right+working hard in the gym=gains


Follow this and you'll be good to go. If you got any questions on how you should split up ur workout routine let me know. i've been working out since highschool and can give you dif. plans and see if they work for you.

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+10 on what Johnny B posted.


Case in point- I weigh about 115 lbs normally at 5'5" tall. I worked out somewhat dilligently in HS/college without worrying about what I ate for about 6 months to a year at a time... I got up and down from about 125 or so of pretty lean muscle.


One summer in college I had a personal vendetta against someone MUCH larger than myself- I worked out 4-5 times a week without much more intensity than I had previously but I did it this time while eating 4 scrambled egg whites every morning for breakfast with cheese, huge (to me) tuna melts/other 12" subs from grinders that were on the "healthier" side for lunch, metRX with reeses pb icecream after most workouts and as much as I could eat at dinner of normal foods. In just under 3 months I put on abou 25 lbs of lean muscle. I was at 145 lbs, benching just under 225 max, ripped at about 4% body fat and extremely strong and I didn't even really workout my legs back then(played club soccer), with a set of brass knuckles I was ready to even the score- the funny thing was I no longer cared once I was "capable". Chicks were all over me, I did have a serious gf back then, my wife now, but it was amazing how males and females alike of all ages treated me differently- I am talking classmates, professors, strangers, chicks in bars etc.


Of course screwing around in the the gym with buddies punching a heavy bag I blew my shoulder out and was not able to work out for months after that... and then I got busy trying to graduate, working, married, you know the drill and lost it all.... I started working out again in November as I have a kid on the way and know I will never have the time after the fact to do much more than maintain so I have to get back to close to where I was now...


I was 117 lbs again in November ;-) I just weighed myself this morning and I am 124 lbs or so and I am just now physically fit enough to work out hard again without injury. I am eating lots of eggs and tuna, and am using cytogainer currently as it was on sale. I was going to get metRX again but I was recommended this one and it was much cheaper- I am using half the serving to limit my creatine intake and will probably get metRX mail order next time unless the results are as good as people tell me they are... (I have only used the cytogainer a few times)


But I hope my real life example gives further evidence to what you eat is more important than what you do. The number one priority is eating somewhat healthy and a lot and the second is consistency in workouts.


that's my .10 on the matter.


+1 on the blender as well... I have been trying to stir this stuff in the cup with limited results- trying a shaker cup as we speak.


EDIT: shaker cup is better than stirring but damn my triceps are sore after working out and all this shaking. still chunks- blender ftw.


wait with more shaking its clearing up--- verdict is still out... but blender is def easier and you still have to clean out the shaker cup.

Edited by hpfiend
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If you got any questions on how you should split up ur workout routine let me know. i've been working out since highschool and can give you dif. plans and see if they work for you.


Please do.


I was planning upper and lower in the same day.


Start out with a quick jog and just go from there.

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For your diet, stick to a 40/30/30. 40% from protein, 30 from carbs and fat. Fats should be from olive oil, salmon, nuts, avacados.. Protein should be from what has been said, and carbs from fruits and veggies. Stay away from processed flours.


Shop only for food on the perimeter of the store.


As for lifting, do compound movements. Deadlifts, squat cleans, front squats, pull ups, push ups.

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