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Westfield Insurance?


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Well they told us our civic was a total loss and gave us 17,850 for it,what im wondering about is, I dont personally have health insurance but my wife does and im the one who got semi fucked up in the accident. How do i go about having them charged with all the bills and not me? I need to go see a a back specialist or someone of the like because i cannot sit down it hurts worse than getting hit in the face with a lacrosse stick.My knee went through the dash and i am just able to put more the 75% weight on it today.


But to sum it all up are you saying i'll have more fun in prison getting raped than having them pay my medical bills and getting a settlement?

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Well they told us our civic was a total loss and gave us 17,850 for it,what im wondering about is, I dont personally have health insurance but my wife does and im the one who got semi fucked up in the accident. How do i go about having them charged with all the bills and not me? I need to go see a a back specialist or someone of the like because i cannot sit down it hurts worse than getting hit in the face with a lacrosse stick.My knee went through the dash and i am just able to put more the 75% weight on it today.


But to sum it all up are you saying i'll have more fun in prison getting raped than having them pay my medical bills and getting a settlement?


Do you have medical payments coverage on your own personal insurance? You will need to open up a med pay claim with your insurances company. They will subrogate the claim and get the money back from the liability company.


In most cases doctors will not accept the liability coverage of the person that hit you for a couple of different reasons. First of all liability payers will only pay in one lump sum at the end when treatment is done. Secondly, often the insurance companies will pay the patient directly, that means the doctor will never get paid and the patient buys a big screen tv on the doctors tab. That happened to me last month costing me $1841.

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That happened to me last month costing me $1841.


I remember that thread. Our car insurance has an option like that so i guess i will look into that. Thanks for all the info,Rick. This is my first time being in an accident,so i have no idea how things work.

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