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Terrelle Pryor......


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hopefully he improves


He has the skill. He just needs sharpened. Slightly rough around the edges. That was expected being his first year. By his Junior year he'll be Heisman ready or leaving for NFL. Hopefully he finishes school though.

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Will win the Heisman before he leaves OSU. Who wants to bet...$1


That is all




EVERYONE!!! PRYOR IS A TRUE FRESHMAN!!!! He played pretty good, he threw some bad (short) passes but he also mad a few big plays to keep drives alive and didn't make stupid mistakes that cost the game. I think he played as good as any true freshman could have played in a game like that.

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i'm really surprised you guys like pryor this much. i'm surprised pryor is even a QB. put him in at WR or put him in a flash formation and just run it. he embarrasses me too much when he attempts to pass the ball. i do believe i could throw it better than him.


i dont think he'll ever make heisman. i hope he proves me wrong.

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i'm really surprised you guys like pryor this much. i'm surprised pryor is even a QB. put him in at WR or put him in a flash formation and just run it. he embarrasses me too much when he attempts to pass the ball. i do believe i could throw it better than him.


i dont think he'll ever make heisman. i hope he proves me wrong.


If Tressel would throw the ball on something other than 3rd and longs he might actually work up some confidence.


He can scramble, he just needs to learn to throw down field. I think he can do as well as Vince Young, if not better.


I know this has nothing relevant to add to this thread, but on the flip side, look at Beockman. Takes a few steps back in the pocket and stands there waiting to take a hit like a deer in headlights.

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i'm really surprised you guys like pryor this much. i'm surprised pryor is even a QB. put him in at WR or put him in a flash formation and just run it. he embarrasses me too much when he attempts to pass the ball. i do believe i could throw it better than him.


i dont think he'll ever make heisman. i hope he proves me wrong.




He has potential, but hard to tell if he'll ever fulfill it and be the quarterback he was expected to be. Time will tell

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lol i felt good about Beockman being in there... he has an arm on him, but i dunno how accurate.


When he's on his game, he's a beast (see: Boilermakers at home at night). Otherwise, he's a champion pick thrower.


Pryor is almost the same way, but he seems more accurate to me. Definitely needs to work on the deep ball, though. Had a weak game last night, that's for sure.

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Pryor will get better as a passer that will take some polish. He is much better off here than up north car Ram Rod is a certified tard and would have wrecked his career.


Side note:


I have to laugh at the fact that now all of the sudden Tressell is a terrible coach. How quickly people forget in stick ball sports and will turn on you. I guess if you are not running a gimmick offence that uses smoke and mirrors to hide a lack of coaching you suck.




Back to the hatefest...

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imagine how nasty pryor would've been if he had stuck with Rich Rodriguez and went to MI with the spread offense. he'd be doing 20x better. still glad we got him tho


Hell, what if he went to SCC.....Some Gator ball. Whew!!


i'm really surprised you guys like pryor this much. i'm surprised pryor is even a QB. put him in at WR or put him in a flash formation and just run it. he embarrasses me too much when he attempts to pass the ball. i do believe i could throw it better than him.


i dont think he'll ever make heisman. i hope he proves me wrong.



Hunny, you have no idea what you are talking about on this one. Sorry

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Pryor will get better as a passer that will take some polish. He is much better off here than up north car Ram Rod is a certified tard and would have wrecked his career.


How can you judge a coach's performance when he inherits an increasingly shitty team from an increasingly shitty coach who got a terrible recruiting class? If Rodriguez had a guy like Pryor and 2 years to get a lot of solid recruits in I'm not sure how UM would be as a team but a guy who runs the spread offense would definitely be better than Tressel.


I mean, look at the last QB's Tressel has sent "Pro"


Steve Bellisari, Craig Krenzel, Troy Smith. All superstars in the NFL.

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you're telling me he wouldn't develop better in a spread offense in 4 years than in a run-heavy offense with a shitty o-line that can't hold a pocket? sure, he's gonna be a great run/pass hybrid but ask vince young how well those guys do in the NFL


Rich Rodriguez will never make that team any good, and there's got to be a reason why all of his "good" players keep transferring out of UM. I do agree with you on the shitty offensive line though.

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