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My Vacation Cruise


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Well, for those of you who didn't notice (which is pretty much everyone I assume), I went away on a week vacation before the holidays. It was a group of 13 of my friends who remained close after high school. We hadn't gotten this group together in years, so it was quite the week. Anyhoo, we shoved out of Miami on a Sunday evening and sailed two days to San Juan, Puerto Rico. We spent a few hours in the port there before heading to St. Thomas and finally finishing it off on St. Maarten. We got back early in the morning on the following Sunday, thus concluding the trip. Here are some of my favorite pictures out of the +500 keepers that I have saved.


Shoving out of Miami



My friend jumping for joy to be on the ship and moving



Out in the middle of the ocean (we sailed on the Atlantic side going to PR) we we probably a mile from this ship when we ended up passing.



The first sight of land after 2 days of sailing, the following pictures are of our entrance into San Juan.









We ended up finding a bar at a high class hotel (5 stars) and we sat there and drank. This is a funky statue on the outside. The other two are from around the hotel.






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We walked by this above water graveyard on our way to the fort.



The Fort.



Getting back on the boat to head out. We sailed on the Freedom of the Seas. The biggest cruise liner in the world.



We woke up the next day already pulled into harbor at St. Thomas. After breakfast we rented scooters and explored the island.













Later on at night after we had sailed away from St. Thomas, this is the surfing wave (the name escapes me) at the back of the ship.


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I woke up early the next morning to watch us pull into port at St. Maarten. It was about 5:30am EST when I got to the front of the ship. I was the only one there for a good hour. Out in the distance I could see a rain shower move about along the horizon and we had seabirds floating just off the bow.







The view down the edge of the ship.



After we moored (look at me using all these sailing terms) our group split up, some of us renting scooters again and others taking a taxi up to go on a zip line. I promised Alexi I would wait to do the zip line for the first time on our honeymoon so I was back on the scooters (which I would have chosen anyway). We went to the beach which is right at the end of the runway on the Dutch side of the island. If you google St. Maarten you can see that large 747's land there just feet above your head. We were lucky enough to get two largish jets to come in while we were there.







Next we went to the French side of the island and found this amazing beach tucked away with what seemed like only locals. We stayed there and drank some crazy home made liquor and talked with the bartender for an hour before meeting up with the group at another beach and heading back to the ship.



After St. Maarten we had another two day cruise back to Miami. The first night back on the boat a few of us decided to pull an all nighter so I documented the not so spectacular sunset on the boat.




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This is the view looking back over all the pools and such at night.



The 4 story formal dining room with our badass waiter, Milton. He was from Jamaica and was full of awesome stories.





The Sunrise after staying up all night boozing.



The group, minus me, who stayed up all night.



One of the couples asked me to snap a shot of them, I don't care how cheesy the picture is. That's a sweet shot.



During the day another cruise ship sailed along with us through the islands.



The group on the last night along with Milton and our other waiter (who doesn't seem to pleased with us taking him away from his duties).



Well, that's all I've got for now. I hope you enjoyed the pictures a fraction as much as I enjoyed the trip. Thanks for taking a look!

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Some of those pictures are spectacular, particularly the one of the graveyard - that one is wicked.


Thanks for sharing. Always wanted to go on a cruise, heard it's something that everyone should treat themselves to at least once.


Definitely do it! This was my first cruise ever and the majority of the time was spent walking around in awe. I will go again, next time it will probably be just the future wife and myself. Just remember, the booze isn't free. Everything else is though.


Nice. I hope to be taking one later this year. Looks like a helluva time.

It certainly was, enjoy yours!

very very cool pics. I love Miami. The cruise looked like an awsome time!

I was pretty upset that I didn't get to spend any time in Miami itself. I had to work the day before I left and the day after I arrived so I wasn't able to explore the city. A few of my friends went down on Friday night and partied there both Friday and Saturday nights. I think that would be the way to go instead of flying in and taking the bus straight to the ship (which is what I did).

Very nice pictures indeed, looks like a fun trip. How much is a trip package like that?


Also, did you do much post-processing, or are those for the most part just as taken?


It was $800 for the cabin and food/drink (no pop or alcohol). I think it was about $40 for unlimited Coca Cola for the week. We snuck on our own alcohol in 4 gallon sized Motts Apple Juice jugs and 1 gallon Cranberry Juice jug, but we still spent quite a bit on the ship as well, mostly wines. Excursions cost extra money, but we did the scooters which I think is the best way to see the islands in such a short amount of time. All in all I spent a little over $1000 on the trip.


The pictures are straight out of the camera. It would have been way to much time and effort to edit all 519 accordingly.


The graveyard one: was that multiple exposures blended or did you manage to use ambient light? If all of those are ambient light photos, your camera has some incredible dynamic range. What are you shooting with?


The graveyard shot was a long exposure using ambient light. I didn't have a tripod with me so to compensate I either found something to put it on (like in that picture) or I would crank up the ISO to about 1000 or so. Luckily the 5d does extremely well with noise reduction.

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It was $800 for the cabin and food/drink (no pop or alcohol). I think it was about $40 for unlimited Coca Cola for the week. We snuck on our own alcohol in 4 gallon sized Motts Apple Juice jugs and 1 gallon Cranberry Juice jug, but we still spent quite a bit on the ship as well, mostly wines. Excursions cost extra money, but we did the scooters which I think is the best way to see the islands in such a short amount of time. All in all I spent a little over $1000 on the trip.



damn thats not bad! How many days and nights?

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damn thats not bad! How many days and nights?


7 nights. We left Miami on Sunday afternoon around 4:30 and got off the boat in Miami by 7am on Sunday morning. I think you could stay on the boat until 9 or 10 though but I had to catch a flight.

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Nice.I took the kids on a Disney Cruise 4 years ago.Best vacation ever.I recommend cruising to everyone and look forward to going again without the kids.Beautiful pics, miss the beaches and blue water.
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In April I am going to England so I guess it will have to wait ^_^


Sorry for the semi-thread jack, but where are you going in England? I was just there this summer.


Back on topic, thanks to the OP for the responses and information concerning the cruise, prices, etc. I might have missed you comment on this already, but did they have gambling available on the boat?

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