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Ice circles, cuz cold is cooler than hot

Science Abuse

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Moar ice phenomena, to give props to winter:








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global warming my ass...this is the worst winter in years


how can there be ice with all this global warming happening?

Putting it nicely:

Rising average global temperatures means a decrease in the frequency of harsh winters, not in the end of harsh winters. Also, they are average temps, different areas will experience different extremes of said averages.


Putting it harshly:

Idiots only focus on the "now" and don't trouble themselves with the past or future. They ignore entirely the fact that things have been on a steady rise because, right now, they are cold.


I'm not saying global warming is man-made, I'm saying you have to be a moron to think it's not happening.


In 2006, the average temperature was 2.0°F above the 30-year average in Columbus. Nationally, the average 2006 temperature was at least 0.5°F above normal at 87% of the locations studied.


Last year the monthly average temperature for Columbus was never below freezing, not December, not January, not February. 40 and rainy is our average winter weather.


But I digress.

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i saw ice pillars on my way to work this morning.


for those unaware, thats when lights appear to give off vertical pillars of refracted light, giving the impression of spotlights pointed straight up.





Cool beans

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We have been "warming" since the last Ice Age and the glaciers have been receding ever since.....


Beat me to it. You would think all of these Al Gore worshippers have no idea that Columbus was once covered by a glacier, and of course it's been warming ever since then. But hey, it must be my fault for removing the cat from my car that the glaciers receded :rolleyes:




Eric, we've been below 0 many times this winter. I'm REALLY getting tired of it. My little weather app on my desktop is saying the high for today is 10, current temp is 7, and low is -10. That doesn't allow for windchill.


Oh, and last summer wasn't much of a summer, it never really got hot.


And as for all of these "stats" that the Gore club keeps making, where are these temps gathered? Big cities, that grow every year? Cities that add more concrete, trapping heat in? If you want real numbers, go out to the middle of no where and look at those numbers, they will be a little more accurate.

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Who mentioned Gore?

Average temps are a mix of BFE and city, that's why they're called "average". so really, the "It's cold here" argument is completely irrelevant, because it's not cold everywhere.


I'm having difficulty figuring what it is we're arguing about...?

We both agree mankind isn't warming the globe... but you're saying that a trend of increasing average global tempuratures isn't an indicator that average global tempuratures are going up...?


BTW, according tothe NWS, you have been below 0F approximately zero times since winter began. That will probably change on Friday. ;)

Edited by Science Abuse
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Who mentioned Gore?

Average temps are a mix of BFE and city, that's why they're called "average". so really, the "It's cold here" argument is completely irrelevant, because it's not cold everywhere.


I'm having difficulty figuring what it is we're arguing about...?

We both agree mankind isn't warming the globe... but you're saying that a trend of increasing average global tempuratures isn't an indicator that average global tempuratures are going up...?


BTW, according tothe NWS, you have been below 0F approximately zero times since winter began. That will probably change on Friday. ;)


You know, I've been watching the news and all they can talk about is how cold it is.


Oh, and my weather app says tonights low is -10. Fuck this, I can't wait for Florida next week.

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You know, I've been watching the news and all they can talk about is how cold it is.


Oh, and my weather app says tonights low is -10. Fuck this, I can't wait for Florida next week.


You just need to learn to have some fun with the cold. ;)

That way, the cold is a good thing, get a hobby for every season and you wont bitch as much. :p

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Beat me to it. You would think all of these Al Gore worshippers have no idea that Columbus was once covered by a glacier, and of course it's been warming ever since then.

I remember that glacier. We thought it was never gonna leave. A bunch of us young bucks would pee on it every chance we'd get ......

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Beat me to it. You would think all of these Al Gore worshippers have no idea that Columbus was once covered by a glacier, and of course it's been warming ever since then. But hey, it must be my fault for removing the cat from my car that the glaciers receded :rolleyes:




Eric, we've been below 0 many times this winter. I'm REALLY getting tired of it. My little weather app on my desktop is saying the high for today is 10, current temp is 7, and low is -10. That doesn't allow for windchill.


Oh, and last summer wasn't much of a summer, it never really got hot.


And as for all of these "stats" that the Gore club keeps making, where are these temps gathered? Big cities, that grow every year? Cities that add more concrete, trapping heat in? If you want real numbers, go out to the middle of no where and look at those numbers, they will be a little more accurate.



I applaud you sir. :thumbup:

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If you want to see some cool ice circles go to Sweden in the spring and look at the frozen lakes they use as test tracks. There's always a 1/4 mile circle set up, and the area that's driven on gets the thickest. When it thaws there's a 1/4 mile ring floating in the water.


Cool pics!

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Temps could be going up (who really knows Eric only posted data from 1880-present.)


If its man made then how do we stop it and does it matter (I see no possibility that its man made though.)


If its not man made then why does it matter.


For thousands or millions of years (however you want to see it) herds, predators, and man have moved to better grazing lands due to changes in climates. I myself don't see a problem if columbus ohio becomes a nice mild 60-70 degrees year round or even turns into 70-110.


If its getting warmer then next weather patterns could change and then its possible that it will get very cold somewhere else. No one has enough data to predict what will actually happen as the earth warms up. Some recent models even show the earth can become a snowball then thaw and become a largely ocean/desert world then back to snow again. No one knows and we're putting a lot of effort into it instead of looking at the real problems like removing all politicians and starting over:-)


I guess my main point is why would it matter anyway. If its warming its doing it because its supposed to and we will adapt or die.

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