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Alex L.

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My apartments furnace fan is broken. Heat works, gas is on... no blower. Ive been on my sister about calling the damned office about this shit for months. im literally shivering as i write this but the thermostat says its 61 degress inhere. fucking bullshit its colder than that damnit.
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Although I was quite proud that my car started this morning, all though she put up a good fight, she started. She was out all night as my mom's car was in the garage. Her car was frozen shut yesterday and she called AAA to get it open the dude ripped the door handle off and broke the trimm around the door. :nono: Oh and he didn't get it open, I had to. So we put her car in the garage with the heater on to melt all the ice and to dry it out.

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Get some gas in that car before it sits all day.


Stay warm everyone.

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Get some gas in that car before it sits all day.


Stay warm everyone.


I did right after the pic was taken. Full tank now. If you own a STI you know that low of gas is really like 1/3 of a tank, It goes fast from full to a 1/2, then takes a lot longer to go to empty, hell the light wasn't even on, I had to squeeze in 11.5 Gal on a 15.9Gal tank. SO I had 4 Gallons in the tank at that moment.

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It's warming up!


My thermometer went from -0 to 0 in the last hour!


(Actually, it reads in thents of a degree, so it went from -0.5 to 0.4. But -0 is so much more amusing.)


EDIT: crap, it's going back down. Right after I posted this, it went to 0.2. We're headed for another ice age!

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I've got no problems starting, it takes maybe 3-4 extra revolutions to fire, that's it. On the other hand, it takes fucking forever to warm up, and I end up driving a couple miles before the damn trans heats up enough to lock the TC. Thank Ghu for heated seats is all I can say.
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