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the only hd or even quailty streaming video i can get of the inauguration if from sky news in europe and its two minutes behind and these guys dont know what they are talking about. bloody brits. anyone have a hd or good quailty link of video for it? msnbc fox cnn all are crap feeds.
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"President Roosevelt held his 1945 inaugural at the White House, making a short speech and serving guests cold chicken salad and plain pound cake," the two lawmakers wrote in a letter. "During World War I, President Wilson did not have any parties at his 1917 inaugural, saying that such festivities would be undignified."


The thinking was that, with the nation at war, excessive celebration was inappropriate. Four years later, the nation is still at war. Unemployment has risen sharply. And Obama pressed Congress to release the second half of a $700 billion bailout package in hopes of rescuing a faltering banking industry.


Obama's inauguration committee says it is mindful of the times and is not worried people will see the four days of festivities as excessive.


I see one day as excessive.

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