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Obama's President

El Karacho1647545492

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And I don't feel any different. I thought the mounds of gold would be piling up in my drawers and Osama bin Laden would be laying his weapons before me with gifts of the finest fruits and wines.




Anyone else not noticing a significant increase in the standard of living yet?



Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

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Meh....I can't say I voted for him, but then, now that it's all over, I just hope we all pull together to fix this shit. IMO, I can't say I blame one person for the mess we're in and don't feel electing one person will be the sole fix for it all either.


It will take everyone to make the US a better place. IMO, he's a great speaker, has a good following and the news loves him.....so hopefully we'll start seeing some positive spin on things vs the bullshit world is ending news we always hear. It's beginning to make me sick because if everyone approaches things with such a negative air or attitude, then that's what we'll get.


In the end, I'm happy for him, glad the US is out of the 60's in terms of race being the main factor and hope the spin stays positive.


That said, I hope the race card is now finally tossed away. Slavery is way over, separate bathrooms are what 60 years in the past and it's about time people stop making excuses, pointing to the past events and just get on with making something of their lives. There's enough successful figures in the black community to show color isn't the issue...it's the attitude of those that cling to that card that is the issue. Hurdles exist for everyone, so they can drop that line of BS already....Obama is certainly proof of that.

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Well put Tim.


Continuing with my own thoughts, and without trying to sound like a bigot or a racist, I hope that whenever someone disagrees with our new president that they will not be looked at as having committed a hate crime or something of the sorts.


I can't say that I was in support of either party that much this year as I tried to ignore it as much as I could (which didn't work at all), but what I can say is that I hope that all this talk of "change" really does happen, and that we can get the economy out of the toilet, even though that will be a long, drawn-out process.

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Meh....I can't say I voted for him, but then, now that it's all over, I just hope we all pull together to fix this shit. IMO, I can't say I blame one person for the mess we're in and don't feel electing one person will be the sole fix for it all either.


It will take everyone to make the US a better place. IMO, he's a great speaker, has a good following and the news loves him.....so hopefully we'll start seeing some positive spin on things vs the bullshit world is ending news we always hear. It's beginning to make me sick because if everyone approaches things with such a negative air or attitude, then that's what we'll get.


In the end, I'm happy for him, glad the US is out of the 60's in terms of race being the main factor and hope the spin stays positive.


That said, I hope the race card is now finally tossed away. Slavery is way over, separate bathrooms are what 60 years in the past and it's about time people stop making excuses, pointing to the past events and just get on with making something of their lives. There's enough successful figures in the black community to show color isn't the issue...it's the attitude of those that cling to that card that is the issue. Hurdles exist for everyone, so they can drop that line of BS already....Obama is certainly proof of that.




Couldn't have said it better.

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yea i was watching it from sky news online and i wanted to kill the newscasters over there. bashing on bush and other stuff and the US. you know when a person on our stations say some of the stuff they say i hate it but when it comes from them F that! kinda like u would bash on your friends of brother/sister but if someone else does... as much as people hate bush this is not all his fault.



also i hope he is what all the dems said he is. if he is the great black hope then so be it. we need some work.


i will say though i did feel some hope watching it all today. i wasnt around for jfk but i thought of him alot. like i said i'm hoping he does what people think he can. fresh ideas prolly couldnt hurt.

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heh my sister did the house to house thing for obama and one old man said that he hopes obama doesnt get into the white house "because you know what they bring in on their coat tails" generation change though its less and less. my nieces dont even understand that concept.
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I'm so happy Obama is president, I know nothing will happen immediately I just think we needed someone who thought differently. He's not a liberal, but not overly conservative he's right about in the middle, which I think is a good thing to make more people happy. I believe he was the best choice, out of the candidates running.
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I'm so happy Obama is president, I know nothing will happen immediately I just think we needed someone who thought differently. He's not a liberal, but not overly conservative he's right about in the middle, which I think is a good thing to make more people happy. I believe he was the best choice, out of the candidates running.


You should go to the kitchen, make me a samich, and let the grown men stick to these discussions.

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I'm so happy Obama is president, I know nothing will happen immediately I just think we needed someone who thought differently. He's not a liberal, but not overly conservative he's right about in the middle, which I think is a good thing to make more people happy. I believe he was the best choice, out of the candidates running.


I know you're of age to vote, but you still shouldn't be allowed to. ;)

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Fingers crossed that we finally have a pres that we dont have to be ashamed of every time he opens his mouth. So far he can give one hell of a speech, hopefully he'll follow through with alot of his promises.


But, we found one that cant recite an oath...things can get tough without a teleprompter:p


Hoping for the best, but reality is beginning to set in for the man.

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Not to be an ass but I think Obama may be one of the most liberal Presidents the USA has ever elected, JFK might be up there (Dunno wasn't alive then).


If you read into JFK's policies he would be conservative by today's standards. I'd be happy with a Dem like him in office

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